The leadership of the APS created 8 Goals for the district, link.
Recently, according to the APS website;
The Board of Education requested a presentation detailing the progress of the “Celebrate the 8” goals in conjunction with determining the direction and next steps for the goal-setting process that will be done in collaboration with the superintendent in Fall 2011.The School Board asked Supt Winston Brooks to defend the district's progress in reaching the goals. Brooks complied Wednesday night; the agenda item read;
Administration’s presentation of the progress of the “Celebrate the 8” goals and APS Board of Education and superintendent discussion of the goals.Not a word in the Journal, and as far as I know, not a peep on any of the local TV news.
You have to wonder, why?

Did APS' Executive Director of Communications Monica Armenta forget to tell them about the presentation, or is there something in the data she wants to keep hidden?
Did she not tell the media, did they not care?
What's up?
photo Mark Bralley
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