And with those words, I was arrested by APS Police Department for the thirteenth time. I had the honor to be arrested by APS' new Chief of Police Steve Tellez in person. I was arrested today for disregarding an illegal restraining order penned by Marty Esquivel, signed by the enforcer Steve Tellez and then signed again by the new School Board President Paula Maes.
The restraining order is illegal because it was cooked up by one board member, Esquivel, who has no authority to do anything as an individual board member. He also lacks the authority to order the APS Police Department to do anything at all, much less sign off on an illegal restraining order; excuse me, "ban letter".
When Esquivel bailed from the illegal order, (he needed to hide from it during the school board elections) Paula Maes signed on, again as an individual without board direction, without authority and in violation of the law.
According to APS School Board Policy - BB1 - Board Member Authority
"Board of Education members shall have authority only when acting as a Board of Education in a regular, special, committee or emergency meeting. ..."Esquivel and Maes have no authority to write a restraining order and no authority to order their corrupt police chief Steve Tellez to enforce it.
Speaking of Tellez, he is in fact, link, the new Chief of Police; and has been for a month.
Shhh! it's a secret.

I asked him if he was promoted under circumstances that create the appearances of impropriety (the cover up of corruption in the APS leadership of the APS and their Police Dept) and conflict of interest (conducting the investigation on themselves and then "losing" the results before they could be turned over to District Attorney Kari Brandenburg) because he was willing to hide the Caswell Report (on an investigation of felony criminal misconduct in the APS Police Department and Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office under Darren White. He acted like he had never heard of the "Caswell Report".

Lovato had the money quote of the whole scandal, link," if I ever get to tell the truth in open court, there won't be a single APS senior administrator left standing." or words to that effect
The leadership of the APS managed to keep him out of court by giving him a whole bunch of money he didn't deserve.
That clicked for Tellez. He told me the investigation ended with the tenure of Bill Reed, their former Police Chief. The investigation has disappeared. Perhaps communications maven Monica Armenta will explain where the results of the criminal investigation have disappeared to, and what the disappearance has to do with Reed.
When I asking him if he was taking (unlawful) orders from Esquivel, he dodged the question; pointing out that I always ask him that.
When I asked Tellez how much he is getting paid to be Esquivel's enforcer, he said I should check with HR.

He then rushed off, on his way to the policy committee meeting to explain to the whole board and administration, how they can manipulate public comments at public forums in order to avoid being criticized, or embarrassed by inconvenient questions about the public interests or about their public service .
We paid him, I'm guessing, $350 for his advice.
I have to "guess" because when I asked for any public record of the number of "education" tax dollars flowing through APS to Modrall every year; they did not surrender them. Not one.

any of this.
Walz frame grab and photos Mark Bralley
When you ran for the board, you somehow got some online donations for your cause. Why couldn't we do that again, this time to hire a lawyer to go with you to every meeting!
The lawyer could tip off the media to all that is going on since the media does not listen to any of us!
Thanks. I have a lawyer and the media is no more inclined to listen to him than me. They know what's going on; it is their deliberate decision to help cover it up by ignoring it.
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