Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Korte Klueless

The Board has decided that they will not allow any more charter school competition for students and $14,525, link, that come with them. The Journal report is entitled; "APS Says No New Charters". They provided no link I could find.

School Board Member Kathy Korte was quoted in opposition to any new charter school that isn't "unique"; offering something APS does not already offer.

What if a Charter School offers leadership that is willing to carry on an open and honest two-way communication with the community?

How could they possibly be more unique than that?

What if the leadership of a charter school doesn't Winston Brooks, Marty Esquivel, and Paula Maes telling them how to run their school, and then telling them, they "don't take questions".

Aside from all that, how can any charter school not benefit from distance from people

  • who are hiding evidence of felony criminal misconduct by senior administrators and board members (the Caswell Report),
  • who deny free exercise of Constitutionally protected human rights (Marty Esquivel's illegal restraining order),
  • who maintain a publicly funded private police force as a Praetorian Guard (the APS Police Department; certified, certificated, and accredited by no one except the leadership of the APS),
  • who are denying hundreds of whistle blowers due process of their complaints (against senior administrators and board members),
  • who to a member, cannot summon the character and the courage to hold themselves honestly accountable as role models of the standards of conduct they establish and enforce upon students, and
  • who are ignoring a petition to establish the Citizens Advisory Council on Communication, and real open and honest two way communication between the leadership of the APS and the community.
Every charter school that is out from under the influence of the incompetence and corruption in the leadership of the APS has a far greater chance to successfully educate this community's sons and daughters for that reason alone.

The Journal is yet to investigate and report upon the fate of the petition to establish standing of the Citizens Advisory Council on Communication, though there is proof that they know about it.

Just as they are yet to investigate and report upon
  • the illegal suppression of the Caswell Report, or upon
  • Marty Esquivel's illegal restraining order, or upon
  • the illegal use of APS Police Officers to enforce the order, or upon
  • the APS leadership's universal abdication from their obligations as role models of the student standards of conduct, the Pillars of Character Counts!, or upon
  • Paula Maes' edit disallowing "... any audit that individually identified ..." corrupt and incompetent administrators or board members, or upon
  • any other credible allegations and evidence of an ethics and accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS
It almost like Kent Walz' Journal and the rest of the establishment's media is deliberately aiding and abetting the cover up.

Well it's not "almost" like that, it actually "is" like that.

Darn, there I go, sounding like a "conspiracy nut" again.

photo APS website

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