There is reader posting endless ad hominem comments;
never a question of fact or logic, just "kill the messenger".
Amid all the chaff, a single grain of wheat; anonymous argues;
If I am right about transparent accountability in government, including the obligation of politicians and public servants to respond candidly, forthrightly and honestly to any/all legitimate questions about the public interests and about their public service, there would be other people standing up beside me.
If I am right about bloggers being entitled to the protection of the First Amendment, there would be others standing up beside me.
If I am right about the cover up of an ethics and accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS, and the UNM, and city, county, state and federal government, there would be others standing up beside me.
If I am right about the need for the leadership of the APS to stand up as role models of the same standard of conduct that they establish and enforce upon students, there would be others standing up beside me.
If I am right about the cover up of corruption in the APS Police Department, including the involvement of senior APS administrators in felony criminal misconduct, there would be others standing up beside me.
If I am right that more than 200 APS whistleblowers deserve due process on their complaints, there would be others standing beside me.
If I am right about the Journal, KOAT TV, and the media covering for the leadership of the APS, there would be others standing beside me.
If I am right that candidates Martinez and Denish should stand and deliver candid, forthright and honest answers to any legitimate question, there would be others standing up beside me.
And there are not . (relatively speaking)
Anonymous concludes therefore that because I am standing alone, I am wrong , and worse. Yet she cannot, or will not, offer one single argument against any of those expressed beliefs.
Anonymous wonders; why, am I wasting my time?
I have written on a number of occasions that, the hardest
part of standing alone is, the wondering why.
Apparently, I am not the first to so wonder;
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. Martin Luther King Jr.Yeah, I wonder sometimes about the standing (relatively) alone.
Why do I do it? because once, as a teacher, I looked into the eyes of a whole bunch of children while they were handed tee-shirts that on their front and back, read;
Stand up for what
you believe in ...
... even if you're
standing alone.
Tee shirts are all well and good, but, in the end,
someone has to actually show them what it looks like.

isn't going to do it.

Marty Esquivel isn't going to
do it.

isn't going to do it.

isn't going to do it.
And DA Susana Martinez
isn't going to do it.

Unless and until one of
them, or someone else
steps up, I guess
I'm stuck with it, and
anonymous is stuck
with me.
photos Mark Bralley
It is better to remain a fool in silence, rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt.
-Piss Ant
You have misquoted an old proverb. Even so, you should have used quotation marks. Otherwise, your just another plagiarist.
You recently wrote that you smile every time you saw me, because I am such a fool, or words to that effect.
I owe you an apology, all this time I had mistaken your insipid smile as a manifestation of your retardation. Again, my apology.
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