Blogger Monahan often quotes people who don't want to be quoted personally. For reasons of their own, they chose to not attach their names and reputations to their comments.
In some cases, maybe many, considering the retribution and retaliation that are part and parcel to public service in New Mexico State Government, their anonymity is fundamental to their very survival. In the rest of cases, anonymity serves only to protect the "gators" from having to defend the nonsense they write.
Monahan ranks his "gators" between "senior" and "wall leaner". If I have not grasped the scale accurately; I will bow to controverting fact.
It was a "senior gator" then, who argued on Monahan's blog this morning;
"Denish can and should take credit for being part of (everything good that happened in the Richardson/Denish administration)."Señor Gator then goes on to tout
"Denish's" accomplishments including pre-kindergarten, improved teachers' salaries, tougher DWI laws, the spaceport, the defeat of the Tortilla Tax ... etc, etc."What the senior gator has not noticed is;
Lt Diane Denish cannot have it both ways; either she gets a bye on her crime fighting and corruption busting because she (her Office) is feckless and largely ceremonial,
she is a mover and shaker in state government, in which case she has to explain why the corrupt and incompetent in state government are not moving (in their pants) and shaking (in their boots) in fear of being exposed and held accountable for their corruption and their incompetence.
So, no, senior gator, whomever you are, Denish cannot point to any of the good done in the last eight years, just like she can't point to the bad; it's all in her "rear view mirror".
btw; If there is any empirical evidence at all, that pre-K is anything more than government daycare, with only temporary benefit to graduates, (the advantage disappears entirely by the third grade), no one has pointed to it; not even Denish, without whom "it would not exist."
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