Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hallinan will neither confirm nor deny

I asked Denish Spokesman James Hallinan to either confirm or deny that he had sent a slanderous email to APS Executive Director of Communications Monica Armenta claiming that I called him one of Denish's "evil henchmen", or words to that effect.

He said that he was going to neither confirm nor deny that he had made the groundless allegation.

"Neither confirm nor deny" is a mechanism used by people caught between a rock and a hard place; he doesn't want to tell the truth and admit what he has done, and he doesn't want to lie by denying it (just in case it shows up as a public record somewhere).

So he neither confirms nor denies.

That Denish gives tacit approval to this kind of weaselry,
doesn't bode well in terms of the weaselry that she will
approve of, either tacitly or overtly, as Governor.

If this young man treats the press like this when his candidate
needs the press, how will he behave when as the Governor's
pio, he will think she no longer does?

How much worse can it get?

Mark Bralley

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