To read them tell it, the Journal is outraged at the handling of public records at the UNM, link, and NM Tech, link.
They have expressed no outrage, feigned or otherwise, over
the mishandling of public records in the APS.
How is this story not newsworthy? ??
APS Supt Winston Brooks is scheduled to accept aThe only way it makes sense, is that the Journal is
Dixon Award for his efforts to use legal loopholes,
technicalities and legal weaselry, to hide public records
of a 3 1/2 year long cover up of an investigation of
felony criminal misconduct in the leadership of the APS
and in their Police Department, link.
in on the cover up.
The records which are being hidden, are the tip of the iceberg
that if thawed, according to former

"... would not leave a single
senior APS administrator
left standing ..."
photo Mark Bralley
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