Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Videographer needed for APS Policy Committee meeting

If you cannot attend the Policy Committee meeting, you can listen to it on APS' award winning website.  You cannot watch the meeting because, with the exception of regular school board meetings, they chose to not videotape any meetings they don't want to videotape.

I assume the techs are full time employees, and the equipment is bought
and paid for, so  what's the problem?  Why can't they create a videotape?

The APS School Board has the wherewithal to record the Policy Committee meeting, and every other committee meeting, the same way they record regular school board meetings.

They chose to not do that, because they don't want to, and
because the law allows them that self indulgence.

I am unable to record the meeting.  The board and their lawyers will argue that my pointing a camera at them intimidates them.

The people's videographer
Mark Bralley is still banned
from APS property.

He has been since School
Board Member Kathy Korte
went berserk on him and
then claimed he had thrust
his camera lens into her hand.

The people need a video record of the Policy Committee meeting wherein the leadership of the APS will seek to further limit their accountability to the community members they serve..

The people wouldn't have to create their own record of the policy committee meeting if the school board made one.  There wouldn't even be the issue if, as a matter of course, they created the best possible records of their meetings.

By what logic is it necessary to audiotape a meeting but not videotape it?

Failing to create the best possible public records of the
spending of the people's resources and the wielding of
the people's power, is nonfeasance at best,  
malfeasance at worst.

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that the establishment's media, the "credentialed" press, cannot be depended upon, even to show up at the meeting, much less videotape the discussion and action on School Board Police BE4.

I wonder if the "credentialed" press has even read APS' new rules for them. 
Members of the media and media equipment shall be required to video and photograph from a designated media representative area of the room ...
I wonder how the credentialed press feels about the board's intention that they stand in the corner to record meetings, in exchange for later disparate access.

Never mind that from that corner they cannot photograph or film all the player's faces.

In any case, there needs to be a videotape record of APS School Board Members deciding whether to further limit public participation in public meetings.

We need to see their faces as they discuss and decide our rights.

photos Mark Bralley

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