Monday, July 07, 2014

Student discipline, if it isn't bad news, why isn't it good news?

The following letter was submitted this morning to Journal Letters to the Editor.

Student discipline in the APS, is it worthy a Journal investigation and report?

I am wondering if the Journal is willing initiate a comprehensive investigation student discipline in the APS and the effect on education of students overall.  Is the Journal willing to interview average teachers and students?  Is the Journal willing to send a reporter in to substitute teach for a couple of days in a couple of different schools?

Is the Journal willing to ask for all of the district's student discipline data (for the last twelve years at least - the length of time recent graduates have spent in APS)? 

Is the Journal willing to ask for and publish the district's discipline philosophy, current efforts and future plans for restoring order in classrooms and on school campuses?

Is the Journal willing to investigate student standards and accountability? adult standards and accountability? role modeling of student standards of conduct?

In the alternative, is the Journal willing to report to interest holders that there is nothing to worry about, such concerns are unwarranted; everything is hunky dory and that the leadership of the APS is way ahead of the curve in dealing with students who are out of control?

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