Tuesday, July 22, 2014

All that's missing; due process

Read APS new public participation policy, link.
... the the board president or presiding officer shall be authorized to enforce this procedural directive by (numeration added):

  1. Interrupting presentations and comments to remind speakers and audience members of this procedural directive;
  2. Dismissing or ending the speaking time of previously recognized speakers who violate this procedural directive;•
  3. Requesting speakers or audience members to leave the meeting if they violate the procedural directive in a manner that is disruptive to the board business
  4. Requesting the assistance of law enforcement officers to assist in removing speakers or audience members who refuse to leave;
  5. Recessing or adjourning the meeting as a result of speaker or audience conduct that is in violation of this procedural directive;
  6. Individuals who violate this procedural directive may be subject to criminal charges and may be prohibited from future meetings, and
  7. Arresting or filing criminal charges against a speaker or member of the audience who is in violation of this procedural directive … (because) … it is a petty misdemeanor to “disturb any meeting of the people assembled for any legal object.
They have listed at least seven things they can do, if in the sole and unchallengeable opinion of one school board member, you have violated their rules of "decorum".

They list not one venue where you might object to arbitrary and subjective determinations by upset school board members.

Marty Esquivel is supposedly an "expert" in the law.
Watch how he abuses the power he was entrusted. 

Their process does not allow you to protest an arbitrary and capricious decision by a committee chair.  If you do, you are ruled disruptive and then ejected by their publicly funded private police force, link, a Praetorian Guard if ever there was.

If you have a few years and a few hundred thousand dollars,
you can of course, sue them.

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