Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Dear Journal editors, what do you think of this?

The Journal editors this morning stood in defense, kind of, of the right of people to stand up at public fora and criticize politicians and public servants.

Due I suppose, to my litigation against them, the leadership of the APS has come up with a new policy for controlling speech at their public forum;

You can criticize a school board member or senior administrator by their title but not by their name; that apparently, would be a "personal" attack and the APS board still, after two rulings to the contrary, thinks they can prohibit criticism "by name."
I can stand up at the forum and say;
The superintendent of the APS, that guy right there
(and I would point to him sitting 25 feet away)
is part of a cover up of a cover up of felony criminal
misconduct involving senior APS administrators.
but I cannot stand at the podium and say; 
Winston Brooks is part of a cover up of a cover up of felony
criminal misconduct involving senior APS administrators

The Journal didn't bother to report that APS is actually fighting the the preliminary injunction against them, the injunction that the editors tout as a free speech victory.

Marty Esquivel, Winston Brooks and the rest have spent three quarters of a million dollars already, trying to litigate for themselves, some kind of exception to the law.

They are going to spend even more. Much more.

They are spending from an unlimited budget and without meaningful oversight.  Not even the Journal editors cares.

You betcha, they're going to spend more.

photo Mark Bralley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting that this simple investigation has taken so long and the one about Winston Brooks and his wife was dismissed so quickly even with audio evidence that a domestic dispute had in fact taken place. Look how quickly APS Police completed the investigation on the Athletic Director at Sandia HS planting drug paraphernalia in a coaches office. Hmmmmmm appears to be some fishy stuff going on here!