... are the day you are bornHappy new year.
and the day you find out why.”
Mark Twain
I am grateful for your time and attention.
The terms of public service are the prerogative of the public. Fundamental among those terms; public servants are accountable to the public, and to meaningful standards of conduct and competence, at least for the eight measly hours a day that we have to "trust" them with the control over our power and our resources.
... are the day you are bornHappy new year.
and the day you find out why.”
Mark Twain
Posted by
ched macquigg
4:35 PM
In the Journal this morning, link, we first find out that the leadership of the APS has embarked on a leadership plan whose effect will far out last the election of three new board members and the hiring of our next golden parachutist.
This plan will outline what academic programs APS will put in place in the coming years and how they will be budgeted for, Winter said.
“It’s going to be a five-year plan of where we’re going and what we’re going to do,”It isn't so much that the board shouldn't be planning ahead,
“It’s actually our educational plan for student success.”Shouldn't any multiyear plan be reexamined annually,
“And I do think it’s time for us to update it.”
The ongoing problem of their lack of oversight over their spending of our resources and wielding of our power, will be addressed by providing some accountability;
It will also attach “an evaluation piece” to each program so the school board and administration will know whether a program is successful or not, (Winter) said.
Journal reporter Jon Swedien noticed, or loosely quoted APS chief academic officer Shelly Green, that;
A key difference between the former academic plan and the one administration is working on now will be how academic programs and initiatives are evaluated.What a great idea!
The new academic plan will be focused on reducing truancy, use of technology in the classroom, ways teachers can use data to improve their instruction, professional development strategies ..." said Shelly Green, APS chief academic officer.How can this plan not involve,
Green said "APS must still help teachers adjust to the new standards ..."Educated, experienced and dedicated adults who have between them, hundreds of thousands of year of ongoing experience will come on board just as soon as they "adjust" to standards they had no part in creating.
it is important for APS to communicate key aspects of the master plan to the community at large.Notice please;
“It’s very aggressive planning and it’s good,”.Esquivel claims;
"... teachers, parents and community members should have a say in creating the plan, and it’s important the plan isn’t created from the “top down.”He did not point to the time, the day, or the place where stake and interest holders will have their say, in especially since it is apparently, already to late for them to participate meaningfully in decision making that affected their interests.
... he wants the district to establish a community academic advisory commission.Please note that when, if, any advisory "commission"(?) is established;
(the)Details regarding who will be on the board and how they will function still must be decided, Green said.The "details" will be decided by the administration without the participation of any of, the FUE, OLÉ, SWOP, ATF or the PTA.
Winter is expected to leave the district shortly after APS hires a new permanent superintendent, although he does plan to stay on board for a “transitional period.”
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Your seat on the school board |
Posted by
ched macquigg
9:22 AM
I don't use terms like "the Democrats" or "the Republicans" normally. I
think their use obfuscates open and honest discourse on important
issues. Sometimes, I have no choice.
It's hard deny that "the Republicans" would like to pick the winner in District 7, link.
It appears that it would be equally hard to deny that with no opportunity to re-elect "Democrat" Marty Esquivel, they would elect his successor; John Jake Lopez, link.
Will you support marginalized stake and interest holders by creating for them; a venue where they can participate in open and honest two-way communication with the leadership of the APS, and further, to participate meaningfully in decision making that affects their interests?Any answer except yes, means no.
Posted by
ched macquigg
8:09 AM
is that the only way you can get one,
is to make sure that everybody else gets one too.
Posted by
ched macquigg
7:49 AM
APS School Board candidates are finding themselves in the middle of a struggle over power. Marginalized stake and interest holders want school board candidates to promise them more power.
On the face of it, it seems reasonable for marginalized stake and interest holders to seek more power in decision making affecting their interests. There are two problems with that approach.
In the first place; power is a zero-sum game. There is no more power to distribute; whatever is gained by one side is lost by the other. And secondly, in this case, any power they might gain is not going to come from the powerful; it will be stripped from the even less powerful.
The only way marginalized stakeholders can accumulate power is by
stripping it from, and further marginalizing, already marginalized
(The) powerful are not going to give up their power.
If they were inclined to share the power that has been entrusted to them, there would not be marginalized stakeholders in the first place.
The solution is round table decision making;
a venue where the input from marginalized stake and interest holders sees the same consideration as the input from powerful people sitting around the same table.If the goal of decision making is to do the "right" thing,
Posted by
ched macquigg
9:53 AM
I have submitted for their consideration, my responses to their questionnaire;
There is no more valuable, nor more underutilized resource than the input of stake and interest holders.
There is an abundance of experience and expertise at our immediate disposal that is not being exploited. APS teachers for example, have between them nearly 100,000 years of teaching experience, and no seat at the table where decisions are made.
My top priority for the next superintendent will be the creation of a venue wherein there will be the opportunity for stake and interest holders to engage in open and honest two-way communication between the leadership of the APS and the community members they serve.
The APS School Board is required by the first ethic in their Code of Ethics, to; make decisions in the best interests of students.Do you believe that the School Board and the Superintendent it selects should resist many of the reforms that Governor Susan Martinez has been advocating or support them? Please specifically address her efforts to:
If, after meaningful participation by interest and stakeholders, the contracting out this or any other services appears to be in the best interest of students, I will support it wholeheartedly.
In the first place, I would resist hiring a superintendent who has already made up their mind on these or any other issues. However well understood the terminology, the opportunity to respond to input from community members such as parents, students, immigrants, and the community organizations they belong to, must precede their final commitment to any reform.
Every reform, reduced to its essential elements, stands or falls on its merits. It either is, or it is not in the best interests of students. It either does or it does not enjoy the support of stake and interest holders after their meaningfully participation in its articulation.
Rather than respond to each of the reforms on your list; I would rather propose a reform which I think will obviate the need for them and any others.
I propose that the mission of the APS be reexamined. The current mission, however else it might be worded, is to standardize the individual performance of students who have little more in common than their age and the neighborhood in which they live.
Teachers are expected to take 30 children with almost nothing in common but their age and the neighborhoods they live in, and turn them into learning choirs, reading in unison, each on the same page in the same book on the same day for twelve years or more. Even if it were possible, and it is not, what purpose would it serve?
The ultimate reform would be changing the mission to;
Creating independent lifelong learners at the earliest opportunity.
I would add what I think is an equally, if not more important goal;
Creating students who will grow into adults who embrace character and courage and honor.
I am compelled to begin by wondering if “districtwide”, “ethnicity wide”, “SES wide”, or any other “group wide” achievement gap is an educationally useful calculation. However students are marginalized as a group, the effect shows up individually.
All achievement gaps are individual.
The calculation of group wide gaps might be statistically defensible but is otherwise educationally useless. Group wide averages are useful on in justifying the creation, at considerable expense, of “group” fixes for individual achievement gaps.
There is no such thing as a strategy to close group wide gaps. If there were, public schools would be using that strategy to close the gap of the group called “all students” and there would be no gaps, individual or otherwise.
The only educationally useful gap to consider is each individual student’s gap. If we can manage to close the individual gaps, group wide gaps close consequently.
Imagine a competent teacher separated from a student by a “screen”. The teacher is allowed to ask questions and determine what are that individual student’s obstacles to reaching their potential. Imagine that teacher has the time and resources they need to address those obstacles individually.
The end result; if the obstacles are surmountable, would be that the obstacles will be surmounted. Done deal.
However a student is marginalized, however many other students are similarly marginalized, the most effective and efficient solution lies in individual attention to the effects of their marginalization.
It isn’t that teachers can’t help individual students close their gaps. The problem is that the mission of public schools does not allow them to. Because of the group solutions they are compelled to offer; they have no opportunity to.
APS’ decision making model must change. Stake and interest holders must have real input into decision making surrounding school discipline and zero tolerance.School meals are a significant portion of APS’ annual budget, yet the district spends a negligible amount on food grown and produced locally. How would you help adjust APS’ procurement policies to improve health and economic outcomes in the district?
APS’ procurement policies should reflect the input of community. To the extent that they do not, there needs to be two-way communication between the policy makers and the community members they serve.
I suspect, and it has been my personal experience, that there is little to no opportunity to fine tune the core curriculum; those decisions are not made locally.What is your opinion of charter schools and how they should be managed? Are they an asset to APS or have they created new problems? What new charter school policies would you and the Superintendent that you hire create?
For as long as our mission continues to be, standardizing individual performance on standardized tests, then the curriculum is necessarily driven by the tests (which don’t typically address the voices, struggles and victories of marginalized groups).
If we change our mission to creating independent learners at the earliest opportunity, all students would earn full credit for any effort they make to explore and internalize issues such those you have identified and, would have them consider.
To the extent that charter schools address community interests and the individual needs of students; I think every school should be a charter school and or community school.Do you believe that parents organized with community organizations is a positive force for change at APS? What about teachers organized with the Albuquerque Teachers Federation? What about students who organize? How would you make sure that you hire a Superintendent who shares these values?
They should be “managed” as close to the community as the law and prudence allow.
I would eliminate the need for charters by straining to provide neighborhood schools with the power and resources they need to meet individual student needs.
I think it is not only a shame, but a manifest and abject failure in leadership that creates a need for people to organize into large groups in order to be heard. It reduces what should be meaningful participation in decision making to power struggles; the larger group winning.
I believe that every stake and interest holder is entitled to a seat at the table where decisions are being made that affect their interests. I don’t know how you can give more important seats to groups of people without minimizing the impact of individuals who have something worthwhile to add to the discussion but who don’t have the support of a large group of like-minded individuals (for any number of reasons having nothing to do with the validity of the input they bring).
Without a working definition of “community school” I hesitate to make a commitment.
If we are talking about schools that become community centers offering a wide range of services to community members, I am in complete support.
Posted by
ched macquigg
9:29 AM
The Albuquerque Teachers Federation, Educational Assistants Association, and the Secretarial Clerical Association will conduct interviews today, of candidates for three seats on the Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education.
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Filing for the School board; District 4 |
I find it incredible that teachers who between them have nearly 100,000 years of teaching experience, have no seat at the table where decisions are made.
Somehow, we need to free students from the constraints thought choirs thinking and learning in unison, and from standardized everything.
Even if you could standardize individual performance, why would we want to?
The sum of human knowledge is a few key strokes away. We have children who are by their nature, anxious to explore and learn. And still, we insist they learn in unison. It’s like having a race and every time the start finish line is crossed, everybody has to get in formation again.
The most important decision any group can make is when they decide how they will decide. It should also be their first.I think it is possible, technically and practically, to involve as many people as want, and to enable them to leave the process feeling that they had participated meaningfully.
Posted by
ched macquigg
6:42 AM
In 2007, the Journal first reported on the scandal in the leadership of APS' publicly funded private police force, link. Their investigation revealed abuse of a federal criminal database and the misappropriation of cash in evidence. They are both felonies; the first a felony under federal law, the second a felony under state law. No one has ever denied the allegations or argued felonies had not been committed.
APS conducted all of the investigations that were ever done; internally, and never turned over evidence and testimony to the District Attorney for her consideration of the filing of criminal charges. The findings, what is left of them, are being hidden still, from public knowledge by the leadership of the APS by means of very expensive legal weaselry.
For years, APS has steadfastly denied any self investigation by APS' police force. As recently as December 12 of this year, APS Custodian of Public Records Rigo Chavez wrote;
With regard to your request for “some clarity” on the number of investigations of APS Police conducted in 2007, I have written in previous letters there was only one investigation conducted on allegations of misconduct and that was the one done by Access Investigations under a contract with Robert Caswell Investigations, which had an agreement with APS Human Resources. Letters stating this have been provided to both you and your attorney. I refer to a letter mailed to you dated June 22, 2010, where I wrote: “There was only one investigation done and that was the one done by Robert Caswell Investigations.” I also refer to a letter I wrote to you dated July 21, 2010: “As I wrote in my June 22, 2010, letter, there was only one investigation into the conduct of Gilbert Lovato.”Yesterday after years if denial, Chavez finally admits;
There is no APS Police report of an investigation into alleged misconduct in 2007 emphasis added
With regard to your questions: “Did Steve Gallegos conduct any kind of investigation at all, of anything related related (sic) to the allegations of misconduct in late 2006 or early 2007? Including, but not limited to the misuse of the BCSD NCIC data base and or the misappropriation of money in evidence that was spent as petty cash?” I asked Mr. Gallegos your questions and he responded that he had conducted an investigation into the possible misuse of the NCIC system. He said he turned that internal investigation report over to then-acting chief Steve Tellez. Mr. Gallegos did not keep a copy and has been unable to locate a copy. emphasis added
I also spoke with Karen Rudys of APS Human Resources because the report involved alleged employee misconduct and she responded that she also has not been able to locate a copy.
Posted by
ched macquigg
7:33 AM
The editorial in the Journal this morning, link;
Rape of unconscious girl troubling on many levels
"The reported rape of a Valley High School student", you wrote,
... is troubling on several levels.Then you have the unmitigated gall to wonder aloud;
Could the school have done more in a way that might help to protect future victims? emphasis addedYou sons of bitches! You cowardly and corrupt pukes!
In no case shall the standards of conduct for adultsI told you they had utterly abandoned any concerted effort to help students develop their good character, and you relentless refused and still do, to investigate and report on their abdication.
be lower than the standard of conduct for students
"maybe we could have them read a book".
Maybe “Lord of the Flies” isn’t required reading anymore, but perhaps it should be if peer pressure is such that young people appear to willingly accept animalistic group behavior they know is wrong – and then ridicule the victim.Have you forgotten, for the purposes of this editorial,
Rape isn’t a new problem, so it’s hard to fathom that some people need to be told that they have a role in stopping it.No harder to fathom than the sun rising in the east.
All that is necessary for evil to prevail in the worldIt is fair I think, when something goes really wrong; to blame the people who could have done the most to stop it, but did little or nothing at all.
is for good people to do nothing. derived
students are expected to model and promote honest accountability to a nationally recognized, accepted and respected code of ethical conduct, andEvery generation expects the next generation
school board members, senior administrators and newspaper editors, are not.
Posted by
ched macquigg
8:10 AM
I want to run on principles, and apparently, the only way to win (any election) is to condense the important issues into negative bumper stickers.
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Somebody, please tell me how to fit that on a bumper sticker. |
Posted by
ched macquigg
9:31 AM
In many circumstances, you will find both APS police officers and APD police officers on APS campuses.
Their purpose there generally runs in parallel but at the most fundamental level, contradict.
Albuquerque Police Department officers are there to enforce the law as they understand it and according to the discretion they are allowed as police officers.
Albuquerque Public Schools officers are there to enforce the law according to the discretion of principals, superintendents and school board members.
However outlandish that sounds, however unbelievable,
all you have to do is ask an APS officer whether they are
following their own conscience and discretion, or
following administrative directives, link.
The APS Police force is a publicly funded private police force. They answer directly to, and only to the leadership of the APS. Ask, if you don't believe me.
There is a problem; a conflict of interests.
The leadership of the APS does not want students to be charged with crimes on campus. It looks bad.
I had a high school principal once tell me;
"If I told the truth about what is going on at my (high)school, the realtors in my neighborhood would have my neck."I had an APS Supt once tell me, when I was relaying the teachers union interest in teachers knowing the truth about what is going on at their own schools;
"You can't just tell the truth, you never know how someone might want to use it."A recent enough audit by the Council of the Great City Schools found; administrators routinely "falsified crime statistics" to protect the public image of their schools.
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... standing in favor of open honest and public two-way communication between the leadership of the APS and the community members they serve. |
Posted by
ched macquigg
8:58 AM
So begins the Albuquerque Public Schools 2015 Questionnaire for Board of Education Candidates, link.
Candidates are cautioned;
Answers should be brief and conciseUnclear whose instruction that is; why they think responses need limiting by anyone except the respondent, or from where comes the authority to expect that they do.
"The proper time to influence the character of a child is about a hundred years before he’s born", according to William R. Inge, American playwright (1913-1973)Having missed that deadline by about a hundred years, we must attend to the next;
The right time, to do the right thing, is always right now. unkCharacter development should be part of the core curriculum.
To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.
Theodore Roosevelt, American adventurer and president (1858-1919)
The formation of character in young people is educationally a different task from and a prior task to, the discussion of the great, difficult ethical controversies of the day.
William J. Bennett, author and former U.S. Secretary of Education (b. 1943)
If we want our children to possess the traits of character we most admire, we need to teach them what those traits are and why they deserve both admiration and allegiance. Children must learn to identify the forms and content of those traits.
again - William J. Bennett
Posted by
ched macquigg
8:34 AM
third in a series of position papers on the APS School Board race.
Achievement gaps are individual.
All you get when you add together all the individual achievement gaps of students of a particular ethnicity and divide by their number is statistically defensible but otherwise educationally useless number.
It doesn't make any difference what the student looks like or where they live. If the student is standing behind a screen, any good teacher can figure out after awhile, what that individual students problems are.
Any good teacher would address those problems individually (if they could) and that student's individual educational gap will close.
When all student's individual gaps close, groups of them divided by their number will take care of themselves. Why do we even do that; if group fixes of individual ignorance worked, public education as we know it, would be working.
There is no group fix for individual problems. If there were, the educational model we're still using; cemetery seating and thought choirs exploring, thinking and learning in unison for twelve years, would be producing better results.
People talk of "herding kittens"; which is exactly what we expect teachers to do; take 30 children with nothing in common but their age and the neighborhood they live in, and expect them to learn together, in unison, each on the same page in the same book on the same day. All while maintaining and supporting and nurturing their kitten-like curiosity and motivation.
When our mission changes to;
create independent learners at the earliest opportunitythere will be no talk of gaps based on ethnicity or anything else except on each student's ability and motivation.
“On resiste a l’invasion des armees;*if you don't read in french;
on ne resiste pas a l’invasion des idees.”*
“Nothing is more powerful than an idea
whose time has come.”
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Ched MacQuigg; individual lifelong learners at the earliest opportunity. |
Posted by
ched macquigg
4:58 PM
School Board elections are supposed to be non-partisan. Reasonably so.
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Los Aragon at filing. |
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NM shadow governor (because it's always and only about "winning" elections) Jay McClesky |
Posted by
ched macquigg
8:24 AM
Second in a collection of position papers related to my election campaign.
Posted by
ched macquigg
8:00 AM
The question was asked of me, by a friend who takes elections seriously. I don't. I think elections are routinely manipulated by powerful people in their own interests and I really have no expectation that they can be beat at their own game on their home field.
I am therefore, running on my own terms.
I am not going to play the politics game. I'm not going to beg for money and favors from strangers or friends. My objective is to get ethics, standards and accountability on the table for open and honest public discussion.
If anyone really wants to help, they need to spread the word on the school board election and the candidate forums. Ask questions about ethics, standards and accountability in the APS.
Ask and listen to their response to the question;
Are you willing to hold yourself accountableAre you willing to walk the talk? Are you willing to show students by your personal example, what it looks like to;
as a role model of student standards of conduct?
a nationally recognized, accepted and respected code of ethical conduct
"model and promote the Pillars of Character Counts!"Will you hold yourself accountable to to those standards or to any standards by due process; free of appearances of conflicts of interest and impropriety, free of undue influence and, powerful enough to hold you accountable, even against your will?
Posted by
ched macquigg
9:13 PM
Up to and including late 2006, there was felony criminal misconduct going on in the leadership of the APS Police force. The Journal investigated and reported, link, felonious abuse of a federal criminal database and felonious misappropriation of cash in evidence.
"... there was only one investigation conducted on allegations of misconduct and that was the one done by Access Investigations under a contract with Robert Caswell Investigations, which had an agreement with APS Human Resources."No agency of law enforcement ever investigated allegations of felony criminal misconduct involving senior APS administrators.
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photo by ched macquigg |
Posted by
ched macquigg
7:48 AM
"... Korte was called into (Supervisor Missy) LaBate’s office. ... Ryan Randall, director of employee and labor relations at UNMH, ... informed her that the “committee of leadership” had met “and had made a decision to separate her employment from UNMH.” (Korte was given) ...“an ultimatum, either to resign from her job at UNMH and leave the building of her own free will, or to be terminated and escorted off the premises by security.”Ouch
"Facing “the humiliation of being escorted out of the building in front of her coworkers and the stigma of being terminated, she was left with no choice other than to resign,” the suit states.According to the Journal; according to the suit;
UNM’s decision to fire her “in retaliation for her exercise of protected free speech … were intentional, malicious, wanton and willful, and undertaken in reckless disregard of and with deliberate indifference to Ms. Korte’s rights.”The same could be said for Ms Korte's participation in Marty Esquivel, her and the board's violation of my free speech rights.
APS' decision to ban me “in retaliation for my exercise of protected free speech … were intentional, malicious, wanton and willful, and undertaken in reckless disregard of and with deliberate indifference to my rights.”Wait til she finds out what it's like to be on the other end of suing the government and their unlimited will and resources to conduct cost is no object litigation in pursuit of their admissions of no guilt.
Posted by
ched macquigg
6:52 AM
The Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education in collaboration with the superintendent and staff will work together and in partnership with families and the community in a systematic way to ensure that all students succeed.
Revised: January 17, 1990
Revised: May 3, 1995
Revised: February 20, 1996
Revised: April, 2001
Revised: September 20, 2006
Revised: August 15, 2007
To create independent lifelong learners at the earliest opportunity.And, while we're about their creation,
doing whatever we can to encourage the nearly 90,000 of this community's sons and daughters in the APS, to grow into adults who embrace character and courage and honor.Adults who will serve as role models of honest accountability to higher standards of conduct than the law.
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Ched MacQuigg; real accountability to meaningful standards of conduct and competence in public service in the leadership of the APS |
Posted by
ched macquigg
9:10 AM
Around this time of year, people start talking about
their wish list for the legislative session beginning in mid January.
If the will of the people is a list at all,
it is a to do list.
A list of the things we expect them to do.
The reason the "to do" list* never gets done, is because it isn't a "to do" list at all. It's a "wish" list.
*the people's to do list;Masters don't wish their servants would do the things they are expected to do.
- transparent accountability to meaningful standards of conduct and competence in politics and public service.
- transparency in open meetings and public records, limited only by the law
- meaningful participation by stake and interest holders, in decision making that affects their interests.
Posted by
ched macquigg
5:15 PM