Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Armenta blames teachers for wasted day!

KRQE reports, link, APS' Executive Director of Communications Monica Armenta said teachers are responsible, if on the last day of school, students learn nothing.

"They have an instructional day as always," says APS spokesperson Monica Armenta. "It's up to the teachers as it is everyday in Albuquerque Public Schools to determine what they want to do with their kids that day in terms of learning, but it's meant to be an instructional day."

The thump-thumps you're hearing,
are teachers being thrown under the
wheels of half-empty school buses
leaving school parking lots.

When the School Board made a decision on teachers serving in the Legislature and ignored a negotiated agreement that would have made teachers a part of that process, the teachers union President Ellen Bernstein told them she felt personally betrayed.

Now they all should.

photo Mark Bralley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can she blame the subordinate, and not the boss (Principal)? What a basic idiot!
I don't think either is to blame, it's the damn NM legislator that wouldn't honor the snow-day waiver,so tax payers put out money for ac, electricity, water and lunch.