Monday, April 25, 2011

APS' Ethical Advocate a fraud

It has been more than a month since a complaint was filed with APS' Ethical Advocate whistleblower program, link. The district promised a response by April 6, 2011. It is nearly three weeks past the deadline and there is no evidence that APS is doing anything about the complaint except ignoring it.

This makes APS' Ethical Advocate not only a fraud, but also a waste of district resources and an abuse of power; I suspect the complaint is being delayed by those who are subjects of the complaint.

APS' Waste, Fraud and Abuse Hotline is itself, all three.

It has been more than a month since APS Supt Winston Brooks acknowledged that he received my complaint against APS Executive Director of Communications Monica Armenta, alleging that she has refused to answer legitimate questions about the public interests in the APS, link. There is no evidence that he is doing anything about the complaint except sitting on it.

No effort has been made to answer any of the questions that were submitted.

There is no good and ethical explanation for this treatment of complaints against APS senior administrators. The only reason at all, is to hide incompetence and corruption in the leadership of the APS.

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