Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Is there an heir apparent in board district four?

My blood ran a little cold when Marty Esquivel and Paula Maes exchanged a long hug.

And again, when as he was leaving he told the board; I look forward to serving on the board with you. The rest of us had been prefacing our remarks with, "if I’m elected".

And yet again tonight, when he chose not to stop Paula Maes from denying stakeholders meaningful participation in the decisions that affect them. During a regular meeting of the APS Board of Education.

The empty seat in District Four will be filled by a representative of the privileged class; or by a representative of all stakeholders.

The one who is the representative of all stakeholders is the one who will on the record, support the following agenda:

• Build a reputation of character and competence in the leadership of the Albuquerque Public Schools that is worthy of the community’s trust
• Absolute transparency and illumination of the public interests in the Albuquerque Public Schools
• Site based management and decision making
• The commitment of power and resources to the benefit of students, and to the benefit of those who immediately support students; and to no other purpose inconsistent with that commitment
• To restore the authority of adults over students at school
• To restore to the employee code of conduct, the expectation that the standard for adults will never be lower than the standard for students, and to resolve, to lead by our example
• For every public servant in the Albuquerque Public Schools; honest accountability to a meaningful standard of conduct

That candidate who represents all stakeholders will be the one who says, I will hold myself honestly accountable to a meaningful standard of conduct.

And warrantee it with a signed resignation.

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