Thursday, November 29, 2007

Now that Beth Everitt's ass no longer needs to be covered

do you suppose that Bernalillo County District Attorney Kari Brandenburg will do her job; review the evidence that was given to her nearly a year ago, and determine if the leadership of the APS and the BCSO violated the law when they did unwarranted criminal background checks on BCSO computers?

Ms. Brandenburg has indicated that she is simply too busy to review the results of already completed investigations.

She is not too busy to encourage her radio show listeners to call her at work to clear up their boggle on recipe ingredients. (link)

It is high time for the District Attorney to end the ongoing cover up of the public corruption and criminal conspiracy in the leadership of the APS (police dept).

Beth Everitt has found a new job.
Her oversight failures no longer need to be kept secret.

It is time for District Attorney Brandenburg
to defend the public interest; the job she to which
she was elected.

Or will she continue the cover up for Darren White's benefit in his run for congress?

1 comment:

Joseph Lopez said...

Patriot Act and Public Records Laws

There have been some programs and news stories on TV about the vast power the FBI has to subpoena records without a judge's signature. Its part of the patriot act, and basically allows agents to make blanket requests for records. In this case, the data itself was searched via computer software, and all copies of the information (Las Vegas tourist info - hotel data, casino data, atm transactions, etc) were later destroyed. No terrorists were found in this exercise of the patriot act, no one was charged with a crime. But the data that people thought was private was transferred to the FBI by casinos and banks and other private entities. Or go to federal prison.

Public Records laws give the PUBLIC the ability to watch the government, but the very government that holds the records has some exceptions to what is public; they can hold back certain documents in their possession and you can't get them. The "public" does not have Leavenworth Penitentiary Avoidance Syndrome(LPAS) to make them hand over the documents. We can't put them in jail or hold them otherwise accountable if they say "that is a personnel matter" and hide documents from us that they don't want us to see.

I fear that those who hate the freedom trampling aspects of the Patriot act will not see that public record laws are the exact opposite of a government fishing expedition for terrorists. These laws are one way of keeping people accountable and honest, of making sure government does as it should on behalf of the populace. Whether future libertarians will make clucking noises at the loss of rights or not vis a vis the Patriot Act, I hope they are also making soothed happy puppy noises when they think about Public Records laws.

Right here in the present, we are having trouble getting records from a school system that wants to keep its dirt private. We can not ask our Sheriff for records of illegal background checks because they have been destroyed. We can not ask the education department for things that make them look bad, and expect to get them. The laws as enacted are not being enforced by parts of the government that do not with to hand over proof of their crimes and malfeasance.

APS has a policy within several of its departments that says if a mistake is discovered, you admit to it, fix it, and try to change things so it doesn't happen again. Its a continuous improvement process. Why do they not admit the mistake and fix the problem, as their own policy and philosophy dictates, rather than hide things? They don't want to go to prison. They don't want to lose their jobs. They are craven slugs.

Even slugs have purposes, you can use them to catch bigger beasts. I hope that law enforcement wises up and sees the law breaking that they are allowing to happen and the acts that they help perpetuate by not admitting to their own mistakes as well. Darren White: Admit your department allowed illegal background checks by APS Security Police. Admit you allowed non-authorized personnel to gain the "triple I" files the government keeps, and was entrusted to your care. Then fix it so it can't happen again, publicly. Be an ethical Sheriff, not a cringing deputy dawg who fears the REAL cops, the feds. Is that what you fear, Mr. White, that you will be held accountable by the Feds for allowing an agency with no ORI number access to your computers?

If not, if there is a reasonable explanation, then lets hear it. Why did you destroy the records, sir?