Tuesday, November 06, 2007

the new APS Chief of Police has some 'splainin to do

It is his responsibility to make sure that the recording equipment on dispatch phone lines is in working order; and turned on.

The failure of the APS PD equipment and/or personnel,
to record the phone call about evidence of pedophilia,
requires an explanation.

What happened?
Why did it happen?
Can it happen again?

Stakeholders have a right to answers;
... candid, forthright, and honest answers.

There is a board meeting Wednesday. At that meeting,
there is the opportunity for the leadership of the APS
to tell the truth.

Someone (I forget who,) was recently wondering
why Monica Armenta makes a hundred grand, and
the new Chief of Police makes only makes seventy.

It is because she is better at not answering questions,
than he is.

It is because the leadership of the APS cares less about the leadership of their publicly funded, private police force, than is does about being able to spin the truth about the leadership of that police force.

We'll see on Wednesday,
who answers to the board, and to the public,

... and we will see who doesn't answer at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap! They lost the tape to an ongoing investigation?!?

Do you know if it was transcribed or not prior to being, uh, "lost"? How about statements taken by BCSD from the convertations participants? Or a transcript of the child abuse hotline call? Some of these are parts of an ongoing investigation, but should eventually become releasable I would think.

They will have to release it all to Ashley's defense by law anyways, the public will eventually see it in the trial.

The liability dance has begun! Who will pay what to who and what confidentiality agreements will be signed by whom? Who will testify to certain facts while also being paid not to testify to the stupendous malfeasance at the same time? Who can be coached to say the right things but not the wrong ones?

So, a simple thing in police work, losing a tape. "Gee sarge, the tape I tagged was BLANK?" Or is there not even a tagging process in place, a chain of custody for important recordings that will likely be used in criminal and administrative proceedings? This would be a good thing to fix if no offsite data wharehousing exists, it would be a good thing from an accountability standpoint.

The audioscape of eight hours of school police talk traffic is a thing that should be held for a period of years. Because democracy relys on access to government records to verify due process, among other vital elements of the American model of government.

Without open access to public records, democracy cannot exist. The Keystone Kop routine fools most of the people some of the time. If the thing was honestly not turned on, then we should see a procedure that prevents the recurrence of a "forgot to turn on the recorder on the police line" excuse.

If the tape was lost, the WHOLE TAPE of the day, then maybe it might have been stolen rather than misplaced? Or maybe someone took a compact industrial magnet to a meeting and no one had thought to make a working copy of the original?

J. Lopez