Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It defies explanation

Role modeling is a powerful influence
on the developing character of students.

I submit that the premise is irrefutable.

It follows then that the superintendent of a school district has the greatest obligation of all, to be a role model of the character that is expected of students.

APS board policy used to require that adults be accountable as role models of the student standard of conduct. Board policy read; ... the standard of conduct for adults would equal the standard of conduct for students.

Beth Everitt and the leadership of the APS, struck that language from board policy. Board policy now allows adult role models (the leadership), to be accountable to a lower standard of conduct than the student standard.

They have abdicated their accountability as role models.

Their hidden record is one of self exception
to accountability to any standard of conduct at all,
even the law.

So how does one get to be hired as a superintendent in Aiken County, South Carolina, without ever having to answer this question on the record;

How were the interests of students served, by removing the following language from board policy and administrative expectation;
"... in no case shall the standard of conduct for adults be lower than the standard of conduct for students..."

? ??

1 comment:

Joseph Lopez said...

How about hooking her up to a lie detector and have her answer, under the influence of sodium pentathol, the following:

Ms. Everitt, what did you know when about [insert your pick of scandal here] when? When did you then report that (multiple choice here: Felony, Ethics Violation, Rule breaking) to the proper authorities? What reporting laws did you then break through your inaction, and how did you benefit personally from sweeping these things under the rug?

I would ask for a copy of all her emails, not just the ones she didn't delete, from the APS server backups. Then compare dates of when she was notified of issues and when, or if, she dealt with those issues. The email that APS provides for Ms. Everitt, and all other employees should be public record. If employees want to send a love note, they should send it with AOL or some private email service, not the APS account. Because it is public record.

Tom Savage too. What did he know about Gil Lovato when, and what did he report? What did Savage know about Danny Moon when, and what did he leave unreported in regard to that mess?

And the list goes on. How about getting the emails from Madison a few years back regarding staff attempts to enforce standards of dress? I bet that would be fun to read too. Emails between Fierro, Everitt, Maes and Garcia would be good IPRA to get too.