Thursday, October 08, 2015

The cure for voter indifference is transparent accountability.

For whatever individual and collective reasons voters did not vote Tuesday and may never again, the net result is that decision making is now in the hands of fewer proportionally more powerful politicians and public servants.

It is too late I'm afraid, to expect to fix the system by means of the system.  We can't elect anybody and reasonably expect that they will be able to change anything. 

People cannot be elected who will restore control to the people, over the spending of their power and their resources.  It's just not the way that usurpation of power works; usurped power is never simply just "given" back.

In the struggle over the truth Politicians and public servants have as their champions,

an eloquence of lawyers happy to litigate in the interests of politicians and public servants even against the public interests.

The people have as their champions
a relatively small handful of people who vote, attend meetings, ask questions, and in general dig for the truth and accompanied by an even smaller handful of real "press".

The champions face to face are grossly unmatched;
Entire law firms underwritten by nearly limitless spending against the public interests, often in secret and without real oversight, on litigation and legal weaselry in order to escape the consequences of their incompetence and corruption,

a few dozen people, most of whom have neither the resources not the inclination to engage in years long legal battles over public records and access to meetings.
... David versus Goliath if ever there were.

Goliath has to support him, current law based on a fundamental misassumption;
the truth belongs to the politicians and public servants who possess it; 
and because possession is 9/10ths of the law, it will remain in their possession unless and until it is pried loose court.

The truth is; the assumption should be;
the truth belongs to the people 
and will be made available to them in a timely manner. 
The onus rightly should fall on politicians and public servants to prove that they have a legitimate need to secret it.

Public records and meeting access should never be in the sole possession of powerful people who might have selfish reasons to hide or deny them.  There is the appearance of conflicting interests. 

It would be mindbogglingly naive to think that the legislators are going to go to Santa Fe in January to write and pass legislation that will see them as actually, honestly and transparently accountable to the people, as the law will allow.

Perhaps it is equally naive to believe that a bill could be written, that would make state government as transparently accountable to the people as it will ever be,  And further that that bill could be carried to Santa Fe in person by enough people to see it passed as the second order of business.

But, unless anyone has a better idea,
what have we got to lose?

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