Thursday, March 19, 2015

New APS Supt promised in 22 days; board short on candidates

The APS School Board voted unanimously last night, to extend their time limit in hiring APS' next real superintendent.  According to the Journal, link,

The Albuquerque Public Schools board Wednesday voted unanimously to approve a new timeline for its superintendent search that will allow more time for candidates to apply for the position.
APS School Board President Donald Duran suggested that the delay was due to board member scheduling conflicts.  If the real problems are conflicting schedules, I would remind them on the subject of scheduling conflicts;
Board Member Candidate Requirements, link, read in significant part;
... elected members of the APS Board of Education must commit to: ... Two regular board meetings per month (and) Special board meetings when called (usually two per month) (and) Additional meetings such as executive meetings, briefings and others as needed.
Those with conflicting acting gigs and comedy tours are expected to not run for a seat on the board in the first place.

The red herring flopping around in the coverage was dragged in by Duran;
“The extension of the deadline had nothing to do with who had applied,” school board President Don Duran said. He said the board has not seen who has applied."
The question is not yet "who" has applied.  It is "how many"?

The real problem, the one about which they are not being candid, forthright and honest, is the lack of qualified candidates.  Which begs a most important question;
Why aren't qualified candidates interested APS?
What is it about this slot that makes it so unattractive to qualified candidates?

Too bad there isn't a local newspaper willing to pull on that thread.

photo Mark Bralley

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