Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Albuquerque Public School Board of Education Made a Solemn Promise …

… twenty five years ago when they, by unanimous school board resolution, adopted for students, a specific standards of conduct. Those were and are called the Pillars of Character Counts! and can be viewed here; link

The board intends to change student standards of conduct, to lower student standards, by removing any reference to them in new standards for students.

Additionally, more importantly, their still binding 1994 resolution included their promise to provide adult role models who would show students what it looks like to hold oneself actually, honestly accountable to those standards of conduct.

The board’s Standards of Conduct at the time, included a role modeling clause that read;

in no case shall the standards of conduct for an adult be lower than the standards of conduct for students.

They later removed that clause when they discovered what they had inadvertently promised; and in an effort to escape legal accountability as role models, in State District Court.

The board fully intends to renege on the promises they made in that resolution.

They intend to ignore them. They refuse to discuss the, neither rescinded nor amended, resolution in an open and honest public meeting; a meeting wherein they will take and respond to questions.

They fully intend to strike higher student standards of conduct from the next Student Handbook.

Their first tenet in the APS School Board Code of Ethics reads:
“1. Make the education and well-being of students the basis for all decision making; …”

Can any one of them explain, in words that any student can understand, how lowering expectations regarding their conduct enables either their education or their well-being?

No, they cannot.

That’s why they’re going to do it in a meeting that most people can’t attend and that’s why they’re not going to take questions or allow real public input.

The media and the Journal have been invited to the meeting

… over and over and over again

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