Thursday, February 20, 2020

APS "Leadership" in Hiding

“1. Make the education and well-being of students the basis for all decision making; …”
… reads the Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education’s utterly unenforceable Code of Ethics.

• How does lowering student standards of conduct enable the education of students; how does it enhance student well-being? and

• How does not having a role modeling clause in school board and senior administrative standards of conduct enable the education of students and enhance student well-being? and

• How does spending millions of operational fund dollars on cost-is-no-object legal defenses for school board members and senior administrators enable the education of students and enhance student well-being? and

• How does refusing to reconsider in an open and honest public meeting, an old school board resolution that created high standards of conduct for students and promised adult role models of honest accountability to those standards enable the education of students and enhance student well-being?

Neither APS School Board President David Peercy nor any other senior role model in the entire APS will respond to any question in any venue where the are subject to follow up questions.

The senior-most role models in the entire APS are in hiding over role modeling.

I cannot imagine, nor has anyone suggested any reason to interpret the media’s refusal to investigate and report upon the ethics, standards, accountability crisis in the leadership of the APS as anything but their complicity;

their aid and abet in the cover up of that crisis.

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