Saturday, February 22, 2020

New APS Superintendent Will Have Much Lower Standards of Conduct

School Board President David Peercy and the Board have drastically lowered student standards of conduct. They have voted unanimously to remove the enabling document and the foundation of student standards of conduct.

The document they deleted is a 2,021 word long nationally recognized, accepted and respected code of ethical conduct.

Because Peercy and the Board are the senior-most role models in the district, when they lowered student standards of conduct, they lowered their own.

When they removed the 927 words from the Pillar of Trustworthiness in student standards of conduct, they removed every one of those words from their own.

Peercy and the Board voted unanimously to delete the enabling definition for the groundwork of student standards of conduct; the Pillars of Character Counts!.

Peercy’s new lowered standard of conduct is;

the President of the School Board is expected to model and promote “trustworthiness” (without definition).

If pressed to define “trustworthiness” in response to a complaint filed in State District Court against Peercy and the Board alleging their lack of trustworthiness, the board’s eloquence of lawyers and the Operational Fund will be used to define trustworthiness in a way the will allow Peercy and Board to admit “no guilt” in the settlement.

Unfortunately for Peercy and the Board, they have failed to remove the double standards of conduct in the APS.

Students are still accountable to higher standards of conduct than their senior-most adult role models.

For example, and with respect to “trustworthiness”;

Peercy and the board are expected to

“… model and promote trustworthiness (undefined) ... “

Students are expected to
",,, model and model and promote trustworthiness …
(also undefined but only since the board deleted the 927 word enabling definition)

The standards of conduct appear identical.  That is the illusion that Peercy and the Board want stake and interest holders to buy.

There is a huge difference; the student standard of conduct is enforceable because the standard is written in their standards of conduct.

In stark contrast, APS executive and administrative standards of conduct do not include in writing anywhere;
School board members and senior administrators are expected to model and promote trustworthiness (subject to definition).

No one in the entire leadership of the APS is actually, honest to God accountable as a role model of accountability to the same standards of conduct that they establish and enforce upon APS students.

They are not accountable as role models of anything. They are striking the words "role model" from whatever standards they can.

They made a deliberate decision that the next superintendent will not be expected to be;
a "role model" of honest accountability to meaningful standards of conduct and competence within his or her public service.

Local media investigative teams, the Journal's in particular; are still apparently disinterested in any investigation and report.

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