Friday, May 02, 2014

Why do criminal investigations of APS administrators take so long? Part two

Criminal investigations, and civil complaints involving APS senior administrators and school board members take so long, because the leadership of the APS has virtually unlimited money and influence to use to delay the process.  APS and taxpayers actually pay higher insurance premiums because of the sheer weight of the cost is no object legal defenses they field in order to escape the consequences of their misconduct and incompetence.

The power and money these folks are spending to separate themselves from the consequences of their incompetence and or corruption, is not theirs.  The power and resources they're abusing in their own interests, belong to the people.

The budget from which they feed their legal defenses is for all practical intents and purposes, unlimited.  They spend from the operational fund; money that could and should otherwise be spent in classrooms.

They don't tell the truth about the amount they're spending.

When Rob Nikolewski of Capital Report New Mexico, link, asked;

"... how much has APS — a public institution funded by taxpayers — spent to fight MacQuigg in court?"
he reported;
APS Communications Specialist Johanna King told New Mexico Watchdog the estimated legal fees will come to “about $250,000.”
The information is false.  The estimate is "off"; too far off to be innocent.

Defendant Marty Esquivel's defense alone will cost more than the "estimate".

Although APS lawyers will argue that the response is "legal" because the words "estimate" and "about" were used, the number she reported is off by a factor of at least three already and will likely end up off by a factor of four.  Even more if they decide to go to trial.  The amount could double again.So did the APS "communications specialist" lie?  It is unlikely.

Lying includes a intention to deliberately deceive.
Johanna King occupies a rung on the APS ladder where the
deceptions are repeated, not on the rung where they are conjured up.

The rung above King is
occupied by APS' Crisis
Manager, Executive Director
of Communications and
hawker of calendars
Monica Armenta.

I doubt the "estimation" was written in her hand either.

The estimation was not attributed.  If one is going to fabricate information, it doesn't pay to attach their name to the fabrication.

So who then?  It makes a difference because someone in the leadership of the APS deliberately misled the press; albeit a digital pressman; "Rob Nikolewski.  Either that, or whomever made the "estimate" was manifestly incompetent to make the estimation.  Corruption or incompetence, the effect is the same; the press and the people have been misled.

As far as I know, the Journal has not been misled.
There is no need to mislead the Journal, or any of the
establishment's press, because not one of them has any intention to investigate or report upon the squandering of public trust and treasure by the leadership of the APS.  Ever, apparently.

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