Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Staring corruption in the eye

If we limit ourselves to times relevant; there has been corruption in the leadership of the APS since 2006.  That's when APS Police Chief Gil Lovato got caught, link.  The corruption just took down the last Chief, and maybe the one in the middle.

The constant in all of the corruption
is Steve Gallegos.  As a member of
the leadership of the APS Police force,
he knew, or should have known, about
the corruption and incompetence in the
leadership of the APS Police Force.

He knew or should have known about
the ongoing incompetence and corruption in the leadership of APS' publicly funded private police force, that has now taken down three, maybe four, link, of the last four Chiefs of APS Police.

Gallegos was personally responsible for investigating the corruption of his boss Gil Lovato.  It is utterly inconceivable that his investigation of the Chief was not at the same time, an investigation of the Deputy Chief Steve Tellez.  His findings could not be other that that Steve Tellez was complicit, complacent, willfully ignorant or abysmally incompetent.

The public records of his investigation, and the truth; the whole truth and nothing but the ethically redacted truth are still being hidden by Winston Brooks, the school board, and by their new Chief Steve Gallegos.

Deliberately not knowing about the standards and accountability crisis in the leadership of the APS Police is called willful ignorance.  Knowing and not reporting is called guilty knowledge.  A criminal prosecutor might call it aid and abet.

APS Supt Winston Brooks and the
gang have promoted Gallegos to
Chief where he can continue to help
cover up the cover up of felony
criminal misconduct involving senior
APS administrators.

Gallegos has been made Chief in
relative secret; the Journal gave it a
well buried few inches, KRQE has
as little coverage as can be
imagined, link, and I am sure I saw
something short on KOB, but there's no link.

The press of the powerful, the monied, and the influential know among other things, that;

  • Steve Gallegos cannot produce any record that he can "qualify" consistently with the pistol he carries into schools and classrooms.  
  • They know that he and Tellez were both given votes of no confidence by the rank and file.
  • They know that statutes of limitation have expired while the evidence and testimony from 2006-7 APS Police scandal, evidence that would have indicted and likely would have convicted senior APS administrators, was never turned over to the DA for criminal prosecution.
  • They know that every single word of every single public record of every single investigation of corruption and incompetence in the leadership of the APS is being hidden from public knowledge in violation of their own code of ethics and often in violation of the law.

And still, the establishment's press relentlessly refuse to investigate and report upon corruption and incompetence in the leadership of the APS and their publicly funded private police force.

It cannot be explained except by their complicity in the cover up.

Brooks photo Mark Bralley
Gallegos photo ched macquigg 

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