Thursday, May 08, 2014

APD gun policy decision process illuminates a huge problem

APD Chief Gordon Eden has decided that all his cops will carry 9mm handguns.  It is reported that his decision was based on a need for "uniformity" although the policy includes a lack of uniformity right off the bat; cops will get to choose apparently between two different makers.

His real interest is in having smaller guns not guns that match.  He has some "problem" cops carrying enormous pieces and it doesn't look good having cops carry whatever they can qualify with, including I suppose; "the (currently) most powerful handgun in the world"; a Smith and Wesson Model 500, wikilink.

The Smith and Wesson Model 500 and its baby brother; a Model 629; 44 magnum; a former most powerful handgun in the world
The Model 500 is the most powerful pistol "in production".  You can get a 600 Nitro Express Pistol, YouTube, lmao
I digress.

The "uniformity" issue is cover for a political decision.  The FBI, I believe, decided the 9 mil was a tad light and decided that their agents would carry a 10 mil "uniformly".  Eden wants less powerful guns but won't come right out and say it.

I'm not here to argue 9 mm or 10.  I would argue that the decision about the caliber and power of their handguns, should reflect the input of the police officers whose lives can depend on the gun they carry.  What happens when some politically correct chief decides they would all look more "uniform" if they all carried 22s, or BB guns, or rubber band guns?

Ask the Chief and he will tell you the decision was "his call".
Yesterday the weapon choice was theirs, today by decree, it is his.

If his decision making process doesn't include the meaningful participation of the rank and file, nothing has changed.

We will still be victim of a belief based on false premise, that there really are people who know so much more than everyone else put together, that nobody else needs to participate in decision making, even decisions affecting their interests.

Government in general falls into disrepair for the same reason; an unjustifiable belief that you can find people who know more than everybody, and therefore can make the best decisions without input from anybody.

Nonsense on its face.

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