So begins the flip side of a flier sent to River City residents this week. The flier was the product of New Mexico Competes.
According to blogger Joe Monahan, link, New Mexico Competes primarily for more power consolidated in the hands of Governor Susana Martinez and shadow governor Jay McCleskey.
The self evident purpose of the flier is to dishonestly manipulate public opinion regarding APS Supt Winston Brooks and education reform.
I write "dishonestly" deliberately and cite as an example, their "fact";
The truth is; if that many teachers are rated that highly, it is because of a lot things, not just because student progress is not part of the evaluation process.Fact: 99,9% of all APS teachers are currently rated at the highest level, because student progress is not part of the evaluation process.
No one wants to talk about it, but teacher evaluations aren't the only problem. A recent audit of APS' administration found that administrative evaluations are subjective and unrelated to promotion or step placement. That and, there is a culture of fear of retaliation against whistleblowers.
In any event, the flier is manifestly dishonest; it is New Mexico Competes that is misleading the public. It is so dishonest that the people who paid to have it published, have to do so anonymously.
The sitting and shadow governors would have you believe;
Winston is misleading the public to block education reform.That particular statement may or may not be true, nobody has actually asked Brooks "why" he is misleading the public in this particular case.

Winston Brooks is misleading
the public about a whole bunch
of things and education reform
is the least of them.
Why New Mexico Competes
has limited its attack on Brooks
to simply his "misleading the public"
on the one issue is perplexing.
Brooks is misleading the public about;
- student discipline issues and the problems with chronically disruptive students and,
- the lack of due process for complaints filed against senior administrators and school board members, and
- the lack of an honest accounting of spending at 6400 Uptown Blvd, and,
- the cover up of corruption in the leadership of the APS Police Force including felony criminal misconduct involving APS senior administrators and
- the ethics and accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS including the abject abandonment of any responsibility and accountability at all, as the senior-most role models of APS' student standards of conduct; a nationally recognized, accepted and respected code of ethical conduct; the Pillars of Character Counts!.
New Mexico Competes is misleading the public because they have the money.

Walz, the Journal, and the rest of the establishment's media; KRQE, KOAT, and KOB TV.
photo Mark Bralley
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