Blogger Joe Monahan sounded a FOG ALERT this morning, link.
I have sounded the alert as well,
as recently as yesterday.
I have been sounding the alert ever since the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government gave APS Supt Winston Brooks a Dixon Award for heroic transparency, while knowing that he was hiding, and continues to hide, the finding of several investigations of felony criminal misconduct involving senior APS administrators. Findings that name names.
The Dixon Award travesty was pulled off my Defendant Marty Esquivel and Journal Managing Editor Kent Walz.
It is Walz who is keeping the Journal from investigating and reporting upon an ethics and accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS.
Monahan asks;
why not clear the fog at FOG and let new blood take over?I ask, why would any new blood want to "take over" a good ol' boys club whose primary interests lie in covering each others asses?
Monahan avers, the Journal and the Alb Chamber of Commerce run the show.
I aver, APS is a player.

APS spends more than a billion tax dollars a year; not well, not transparently, not under any serious oversight.
Take for example; Esquivel's spending on his own legal defense. Oversight by underlings. Subordinate oversight is oxymoronic.
It is conflicted decision making on its face.
The willful ignorance of the APS School Board, of the issues under litigation defies explanation except by their complicity in, or complacency about Esquivel's squandering of the public trust and treasure.
The establishment's broadcast media investigative reporters aren't investigating either.

The end line of the post screams for a pun on the impenetrability of fog. I'll settle instead for wondering for us all,
what in the hell is going on in there?
Steve Terrell offers this on that; link.
photos Mark Bralley
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