Friday, October 04, 2013

I know squat about Character Counts!

During her sworn testimony,  APS School Board Member Kathy Korte offered that I was in no place to tell her anything about Character Counts! because I am ignorant on that subject.

My lawyer asked her if she knew I was trained in Character Counts! by its founder Michael Josephson.  (That I had done dozens of highly acclaimed trainings before audiences including a sitting Governor, and APS superintendent, and that I am as knowledgeable about Character Counts! as anyone in the leadership of the AP; I would be happy to stack hats with any or all of them at once.)

Her response was that she thought Character Counts! was founded by US Senator Pete Domenici.

So, no.

The photograph is of her modeling the Pillar of Respect, in defense of, and shortly after her assault and battery on photographer Mark Bralley.

photo from Korte's Facebook

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