I have testified under oath, that I believe the leadership of the APS has made a deliberate decision to ignore me.
I have testified as well, that I believe the leadership of the APS is retaliating against me because of the content of my speech at public forum, and because of what I write on my blog.
You can't have it both ways, I'm told. If they are retaliating against you, they are not ignoring you.
Honestly, I never thought of it that way.
They ignore me at public forum, and everywhere else I try to engage them in two way conversation about legitimate public interests, except that they retaliate against me for having so done.
The Defendants also, cannot have it both ways.
Either I am so threatening that
- an entire administrative complex has been, at great expense, fortified and wired to record my every movement,
- Their Chief had to order my close up surveillance by multiple police officers whenever I set foot on APS Property
- The Communications Director ordered her subordinates to photograph me,
- Their lawyer told them to document my behavior,
- I am banned for life from "threatening" them again.
The fact that, despite all that effort and six years of trying,
they were not able to create a single;
- photograph,
- videotape,
- audiotape,
- document, or
- contemporaneous record of me doing anything other than exercising my Constitutionally protected human rights to speak freely and petition my government

They can't have it both ways.
photo Mark Bralley
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