The BCSD APS MOU has been posted on the Sheriff's website,
link. For comparison; the original MOU, link.
The final rev of the MOU still includes language which denies APS any opportunity to investigate its own felony criminal misconduct, and the right to hold onto the evidence if they do;
- h. Any report of a crime which may be determined to be a felony offense, excluding property crimes, shall be promptly reported to and investigated by BCSD or APD.
- i. All crimes which may be determined to be felony offenses, including property crimes, shall be documented utilizing a New Mexico State Uniform Police Report...
- j. Any evidence collected by APS police in relation to any crime that may be determined to be a felony, excluding property crimes, shall be submitted to BCSD or APD for tagging and safe keeping.
"The MOU does not require APS to surrender any prior evidence to BCSO."No it doesn't, not specifically. Nor does it allow them to do so.
While the evidence they are hiding was collected before the
MOU was signed; they are still holding evidence that the MOU
specifically denies them the opportunity to hold.
An interesting stipulation at the end of the document appears to make the MOU useless to "third parties" (including the people), in terms of using the MOU to compel APS to surrender evidence of its own corruption.
- By entering into this MOU, the parties do not intend to create in the public, or any member thereof, a third party beneficiary or to authorize anyone not a party to the MOU to maintain a suit for wrongful death, bodily injury to persons, damage to property, or any other claim whatsoever pursuant to the provision of this MOU. No person shall claim any right, title or interest under this MOU or seek to enforce this MOU as a third party beneficiary of this MOU.
Aside from an ongoing investigation by the utterly feckless NM Attorney General's Office, it would appear that the leadership of the APS is finally successful in covering up felony criminal misconduct by senior APS administrators.

None of this would be possible without the aid and abet of the Journal and the rest of the establishment media.
They should be ashamed of, or at least embarrassed by, their betrayal of the trust placed in them, and by their journalistic mis, mal, and nonfeasance. Instead, I suppose, they celebrating their success in helping a bunch of good 'ol boys escape the consequences of their felony criminal misconduct.
photo Mark Bralley