On the face of it, it seems reasonable to ask a question of the Executive Director of APS Communications Monica Armenta and expect "communication" in response.
In response to my question; does APS pay someone to read blogs and keep records on posts and comments about the APS?, Armenta has chosen to respond to the question by not communicating. She has not delegated the response (apparently) and has not responded herself.
One might argue; who am I to be asking questions of an Executive Director of anything? Doesn't someone making more than $50 an hour have better things to do than to pay attention to me? The simple fact is that any question I ask of anyone, is immediately forwarded to the directors and above anyway. I'm actually saving you time and money by going to the top to start. Also, when asked to identify anyone who would field my questions except her, she did not.
Monica Armenta is responsible for the fact that a legitimate question about the public interests and about her public service will go unanswered. Why? because you can't make her.You pay her well over a hundred thousand dollars a year to respond to your questions, but your can't make her answer any she doesn't want to answer.
It's not because she enjoys any exception under the law; it's because she doesn't want to, and you can't make her.

photos Mark Bralley
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