I have it upon good authority; not only are there fight clubs at Rio Grande High School, but there are gang initiations, rankings in, going on in plain sight.
If you Google "Rio Grande High School" fights, link, you can watch;
Watching the fight begs a question;- Emilio VS Potter -School Fight Crazy fight between two high school kids that hate each other extreme beat up violence funny wacked I recommend to watch this home made movie its funny as hell. Must see!!! good music and video rock rap...
does that kind of thing go on at your kid's school?Let's say you want to do some research.
How would you find out about student violence in the APS?
Who would you ask, if you wanted to ask legitimate questions
and receive candid forthright and honest responses?

Executive Director of Communications Monica Armenta.
She's paid well over $100,000
a year, to not to tell the truth
about student violence in the APS.
And by her own admission
"... sleeps quite well at night."

Communications Rigo Chavez,
who is yet to surrender, in
electronic format, the APS PD
incident report on a fight at
RGHS that culminated in
students being chemically maced, link.
Where is the open and honest two-way communication with the community they serve?

asking the camera shy APS
Chief of Police Steve Tellez.
He's hiding evidence of felony
criminal misconduct by APS
senior administrators; why would
he tell the truth about student
He's just a little embarrassed that
they promoted him to Chief of Police
in secret, and in no small part because he's helping to hide the evidence of the felony criminal misconduct of APS senior administrators at least until the statutes of limitation expire in the next month or two.

Brooks, the administrator most
responsible for the cover up of the
public corruption in the leadership of
the APS and in their publicly funded
private police force.
A recent audit by Brooks' Council of the Great City Schools found APS administrators routinely falsified crime statistics to make the schools look safer than they really are.
If you want the truth about student violence or student discipline problems in schools, you cannot expect the leadership of the APS to tell it.
Tragically, neither can you expect the local media to tell it;
not the Journal, not KRQE, not KOAT, not KOB, and not KKOB.
photos Mark Bralley
1 comment:
These idiot kids at APS middle & High schools put on their fight videos and grafitti videos and even their best thefts of aPS property.
Often they put their names on the videos, and almost always show their stupid little faces.
If APS wants these criminals, it's like shooting fish in a barrell....
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