Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Why must the Public Forum be “off the record”?

Their history is one of misrepresenting the truth about public forums. Stakeholders have been deliberately and methodically mislead by the broadcast records of the public forum.

They have moved public forum off the agenda in order to move it off the record; and to avoid having a videotaped record of the forum.

The Administration, the Board, and Modrall want the public forum off the record; why?

Public forum is the only place that the leadership of the APS will be asked to account for their failure to hold themselves accountable to a meaningful standard of conduct. They will not be held to account in the Journal or the Trib. Nor will they be held to account by the TV or radio news. Nor will they be held to account by the senator, the governor, the mayor, the city council, the chamber of commerce, or the Character Counts Leadership Council.

Public forum is the only place they will be asked to tell the truth. And they don’t want their response on the record.

In exactly whose interests?

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