Thursday, December 07, 2006

Public servants are accountable to the public

I will never forget the evening the Trib editor wrote, “I hope the legislature does the right thing” with regard to ethics reforms.

Since when does the master “hope”, that the servant will do as they are told?

The master’s wants are crystal clear; an end to corruption and incompetence in public service.

Corruption and incompetence exist because for hundreds of years, the masters have “hoped” that the servants would protect them from corruption and incompetence.

The first ethical use of power is to eliminate the possibility that the power can be abused; to protect the interests of those whose power it is.

The first intelligent abuse of power is to eliminate accountability for the abuse of power.

By crippling the mechanisms of accountability, and by corrupting the standards.

Like when the Leadership of the APS removed; “…in no case shall the standard for the adult be lower than the standard for students…”, from their code of conduct.

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