Monday, July 20, 2015

APS board will meet three times this week

None of the agendas include;

"a public reconsideration of whether the core curriculum should continue to give explicit attention to character development as an ongoing part of school instruction"
The agendas for the Audit and Finance Committee meetings wouldn't be a logical place to find the discussion.

The agenda of the Equity and Engagement Committee could legitimately include it; committee chair Barbara Petersen could facilitate the discussion.

What better way to engage the community than to host a discussion of character education;
  1. should the board reaffirm its commitment or
  2. abandon it?  
It appears they may not address the issue at all; just continue to pretend there's nothing wrong with double standards of conduct in a public school system.

Nearly as bad as not discussing the issue at all, would be to let it take place in a Policy and instruction Committee with board member David Peercy chairing the discussion. While it could be argued that Policy is where the discussion belongs, there could not be an environment less conducive to that discussion than David Peercy's committee.

... don't need no stinkin' 
role modeling clause!
... end of discussion
Peercy has spent years obstructing this very discussion, link.  Policy is where the administration went to slip through a "semantic" change that would have effectively ended character education in the APS.

How can Peercy be expected to facilitate an open, honest and balanced discussion even if that was what the board wanted?

photos Mark Bralley

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