Friday, December 07, 2007

District Attorney Kari Brandenburg; corrupt, incompetent, or both?

At this time a year ago, evidence of public corruption and criminal conspiracy in the leadership of the APS, was first coming to light.

The evidence speaks directly to allegations of felony criminal misconduct by senior APS administrators and members of the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office.

It is Brandenburg's job to determine if the evidence warrants a criminal prosecution.

She claims she is too busy to review the evidence; although she is not to busy to invite questions on her work phone, about recipes that she discusses on her radio talk show.

For as long as she continues her "investigation", the public records of public corruption, incompetence and criminal conspiracy, can be secreted (legally, not ethically) from public knowledge .

Secreting the public records works to the advantage of senior APS administrators who do not want their record of participation to become public.

Secreting the public records works to the advantage of the Bernalillo County Sheriff, Darren White. He intends to run for congress without having to explain, defend, or even acknowledge that his computers were used to do illegal background checks on, among others, APS Superintendent Tom Savage's girlfriend, and upon the whistle blower, Joseph Lopez, who had exposed the million dollar fraud being perpetrated on taxpayers by administrators at the Albuquerque Vocational Charter High School.

Secreting the public records is against the public interest.

Sitting on evidence for a year to protect a handful of members of Albuquerque's privileged class from accountability, is against the public interest.

Brandenburg's dereliction of duty is against the public interest.

Yet another story you will read about
in neither the Journal, nor the Trib.

1 comment:

Joseph Lopez said...

DA Brandenburg wrote the following in a letter to the Journal editor entitled DA Can't Abandon Tough Cases: "Justice not sought is, most certainly, justice denied."

She says also that "Justice delayed is not always justice denied."

I hope she is really just in the process of getting to everything on her plate, becuase her own words damn her otherwise.