Friday, December 21, 2007

APS Police or, APS Security

The APS will not have a "police" department any time soon. Although they will continue to sport all the education, training and armament of a police force; they will not be able to call themselves a police department without legislative approval. With the exception of eligibility for federal grants and the ability to do their own background checks, it appears to be a distinction without a difference.

Neither name in truth is appropriate.

For as long as the department is accredited by only the leadership of the APS, for as long as it is certificated only by the leadership of the APS, for as long as it is accountable only to the leadership of the APS; the department is the APS Praetorian Guard.

At the departmental level, the APS Police are the enforcement wing of APS' "culture of retribution and retaliation." They exist to insulate the administration and school board from accountability for their misconduct.

Consider former APS Superintendent Michael Vigil. When he, in the wee hours of the morning, was being arrested for an aggravated DUI, he wanted to call Gil Lovato, then Chief of the APS Police.

Why? do you think.

Why have Gil Lovato and his lawyer Sam Bregman averred that if they get the chance to tell the truth in court, "there won't be a senior administrator left standing in the APS"?

Is it because Lovato and the APS Police have been hiding the bodies for years?


Joseph Lopez said...

Here is an interesting dynamic that may have resulted from Lovato covering up crimes: Those who he caught red handed but pimped instead of prosecuted now have a reprieve, but are still the crooked screws that did the unethical acts that got them pimped in the first place.

Is Ms. Sink one of Lovatos crooked screws, the ones he kept in a tin folgers coffee can? Did he "have her" on something that he now can't use since he is no longer a cop?

Or is she just near retirement, and hoping to get as much bump in her ERA funding formula without making ANY waves WHATSOEVER? She needs to step up and lead ethically from the front, not dodge serious and public issues as if they were bullets.

Gil can't reveal he has evidence of crimes he didn't write up on official forms because that would be admitting to something illegal. Special Deputies havea duty to report on crimes, especially serious ones. If nothing else, serious crimes are to be "unfounded" on an offical report form that is public record.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I don't think this is APS specific, but is an indication of a wide-spread disease in Albuquerque.
The Airport has Sunport-APD which reports directly to the Sunport authority. In some states, the highway troopers respond to a private contracted company.
APS=APD reporting to APS first and formost is a definite problem, but perhaps we need to push state and city laws to have all police units report to police centers first and foremost, instead of protected interest.
No telling what is covered up everyday and who priveleged interests are being protected. Worse, what about all the crimes that take place but will never be reported/audited to the public?
It really is aserious breach of security and freedom...thanks for addressing it!
--An APS Instructor