Wednesday, December 19, 2007

According to the First Amendment to the Constitution

Citizens have a right to petition their government.

According to APS BOE President Paula Maes, et al;


their "all caps", not mine.


Anonymous said...

No, we're wasting an entire board meeting to give the Queen a warm and fuzzy send off.

Joseph Lopez said...

On Tv, Ms. Maes said "we are not a police department..." That was the Royal we, or has she been a school cop? Did she do school security or dispatch work, maybe help at risk students by being a campus security assistant?

If not, then maybe I should find her magnanimous for "ich bin ein APS Security Officer" speech. Stirring, really.

Semantics aside, what does the fact that no public input will be taken MEAN? That APS has finally publically stripped itself of the Blue Jeans of Democratic Ideals and slipped on the Coat of Royal Tyranny. Please put the pants of decency on, APS, no one wants to see you kissing each other's royal butts anyways.

Any going away party for Beth should have been on their own time. After the Board meeting, and after obligations to the public are accomplished.