Monday, November 25, 2019

APS Students Greatest Obstacle to Success

Scores on standardized tests are one thing; they are not the only thing.

Public schools producing “graduates” not so much as they are producing “community members”. In the bluntest terms, public schools are turning out good community members and not-so-good community members.

Obviously, there are students who graduate from the APS as trustworthy, responsible, respectful, caring and fair good citizens. The point is, the “leadership” of the APS can claim no credit.

By the leadership of the APS’s absolutely deliberate decision, there is not, and there will not be ever, any district wide effort to address character development in the more than 80,000 of this community’s sons and daughters in APS schools.

To educate in the mind and not in the morals is to create a menace to society.
Theodore Roosevelt
Students who are committing armed robberies in APS schools today, will be committing armed robberies in Albuquerque tomorrow.

The greatest obstacle facing APS students today, in their path toward becoming contributing community members, in their effort to become adults who embrace courage and character and honor, is the abject absence of even a single senior role model who will show students what those look like.

The leadership of the APS steadfastly refuses to engage in an open and honest public discussion of their obligations as role models. 
The refusal to face an issue is to confirm that the worst is true 
Ayn Rand derived
“Do as I say, not as I do”
every kid's parent

Every generation expects the following generation to be the first generation to hold themselves accountable to higher standards of conduct than their adult role models.

The greatest obstacle facing APS students today is the abdication en masse of APS’ senior-most role models.

The second greatest obstacle facing APS students, is the Journal's steadfast refusal to blow the whistle on the role modeling scandal rotting the leadership of the APS

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