Thursday, December 19, 2013

"My (APS) school has an adequate response to bullying."

APS going to survey parents, link. The first survey item reads;

1. My (APS) school has an adequate response to bullying.
How would parents know if their child's school does or doesn't have an adequate response to bullying?

They would base their opinions on information and experience. If they have no experience, they must base their opinion on information alone.  That information could be informal and anecdotal, or it could be actual data.

There is no actual data on bullying in APS.

APS steadfastly refuses to share real data on bullying, chronically disruptive students, or student discipline problems in general.   I suspect it is because they have gathered none. The best APS can do is offer some statistics on bullying and vandalism conflated (for who knows what reason).

If students can name bullies at their school, then there has not been an adequate response to bullying at their school.

APS is yet to produce the truth on student discipline and bullying. They have yet to share their record, their current efforts and their future plans to enforce discipline policies and deal with chronically disruptive students and bullies. Why? except to hide the truth?

A significant number of parents who complete the survey will report what the administration has reported to them; everything is hunky dory.  This though, an independent audit found administrators routinely falsifying crime statistics to manipulate public perception of schools.

It's time for the leadership of the APS to come clean on student discipline problems and the effects they and chronically disruptive students have on the education of other students.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bullying can threaten students’ physical and emotional safety

at school or other community based area and can negatively

impact their ability to learn. The best way to address bullying is to

stop it before it starts. That’s why, love and care must arise in

each others houses. Let us create a harmonious and lovely

home always. And to protect these children who experienced

bullying, especially children who go to school. Therefore, you

may check this site that will make your simple mobile phones to

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