The City of Albuquerque Chief Administrative Officer Rob Perry and Mayor Richard Berry have just released a preliminary draft, link, of the Matrix Report on city government's efficiency and effectiveness.
Perry, in the forward he penned, is quite insistent that the report is preliminary, subject to modification, addition and change, and matters of opinion. Both the city and the mayor are specifically and explicitly not accountable for any of the information, conclusions, and/or recommendations therein.
Which makes this rev the one we need to pay real attention to.
Perry and Berry would have us believe it will take "several months" to analyze, evaluate, and explore the recommendations and findings.
If Perry and Berry were running the kind of government we deserve, it would take several "days", maybe "weeks" to analyze, evaluate and explore the overwhelming majority of the recommendations and findings. Never the less, Perry will wait until the last t is crossed and the last i is dotted on the last finding, before responding.
Perry writes; the report
"... is designed to be a catalyst for a robust discussion and analysis of possible efficiencies, program improvements and costs savings related to City of Albuquerque’s municipal operations. Best regards."Why can't the robust discussion and analysis of improvements and cost savings begin relatively immediately?
Except to give people like Perry and Berry all the time they need, to cover their asses.

Questions like, why can't we start talking about most of these recommendations right now?
The establishment's press is less inclined to ask Perry any tough questions after "CAO Rob Perry was rushing the media in the room, throwing the reports at everyone like a dog with rabies foaming at the mouth.", link, when reporters tried to ask questions about Perry's crony, State Fair Construction Manager extraordinaire Darren White.
photos Mark Bralley
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