One of the most courageous things a politician or public servant
can do is to stand before citizens and answer their questions
about the public interests and about their public service.
The prerequisite character and courage are diminished if the
questions are censored. If inconvenient questions are ignored,
there might just as well not have been a public forum in the first place.Governor Susana Martinez
hosted a so-called "town hall
meeting" on Facebook yesterday.
She required interest holders
to submit their questions
beforehand, and selected the
few she would answer.
To pretend that she would stand
and deliver candid, forthright
and honest responses to even the
most inconvenient of otherwise legitimate questions and then
to sidestep the ones she didn't feel like answering, is manifest cowardice.
I did not submit my question as it has already been asked and
not answered, link. My question was and is;
Does she have any intention of honoring her commitmentIt's too bad really; it would have been a great step forward
to independent accountability audits of state government agencies?
in politics and public service in New Mexico.
Imagine; a politician with the courage to answer any legitimate
questions about their public service.
photo Mark Bralley
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