I have come to the conclusion that State Auditor Hector Balderas, seen here explaining to me how underfunded and understaffed is his Office, will not intervene in the whistleblower scandal in APS.
His Office knows that the APS School Board promised a layer of due process in whistleblower complaint adjudication and then reneged on that promise. Every complainant who filed a complaint (more than 300 of them) did so under an assurance that the administration of their complaint would see executive review and approval. The Auditor's Office knows the APS Board rewrote their policy to excuse their past misconduct and relieve themselves of any future responsibility and obligation to ensure due process for whistleblower complaints against Winston Brooks and other administrators.In the future (as in the past), if a complaint is filed against APS Supt Winston Brooks, that complaint will be adjudicated by one of his subordinates. Administrators will be adjudicating complainants against fellow administrators. The blatant conflict of interest will be ignored.
The Board reneged on their commitment and obligation out of cowardice and corruption. If there is a good and ethical reason to deny complainants their impartial review of the administrative handling of complaints against other administrators, I cannot imagine it, and no one in the leadership of the APS has articulated it.
It would appear that the Board cannot be held accountable
for their cowardice and corruption under the auspices of the
State Auditor.The same disappointment flows
from the Office of Attorney General
Gary King's. I tried to get him/them
to do something about the fact that
APS senior administrators were
involved in felony criminal misconduct,
and the leadership of the APS is hiding
the evidence.
I told them for example, that that
Winston Brooks and the Board are
hiding a public record; the Caswell
Report; the results of an independent investigation into public corruption in the leadership of the APS Police Department and the APS. They won't do anything about it.
Gary King's Office knows the leadership of the APS is hiding solid evidence of felony criminal misconduct involving senior APS administrators, long enough for statutes of limitation to expire, and his Office won't do anything about it.Neither will DA Kari Brandenburg.
Who is more aware than she that
the APS Police Department is yet
to surrender evidence of felony
criminal misconduct by members
of the APS Police Department?
She says its not her responsibility
to investigate. She can do nothing,
she says, to keep the APS Police
Department from "investigating"
their own corruption and hiding the evidence for ever.
The Albuquerque Police Department won't take complaints
about crimes that take place on school property. They told
me, tell it to the APS PD; the subjects of my complaint.
The APS Police Department is a publicly funded, private police force. It is not accredited, certified, certificated, or accountable to anyone but Winston Brooks and the School Board.
They are a Praetorian Guard in every sense.Right now, they are enforcing
an illegal restraining order
penned by Marty Esquivel,
that revoked my "privilege"
to attend school board meetings.
Paula Maes signed off on it too.
The Praetorian Guard will
arrest me if I attempt to
exercise my right to stand up at the podium at a school board meeting in order to exercise my constitutionally protected
human rights to speak freely and to petition my government.
The Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office is of no use. It and thenSheriff, Darren White, were party
to APS' felony criminal misuse of
the NCIC federal database entrusted
to White.
They allowed APS administrators
to do background checks on
whistle blowers; a criminal invasion
of their privacy.
Someone, they won't say who, thought
it would be a good idea to use the
NCIC criminal database to run a background check on then
APS Asst Supt Tom Savage's fiancee. These illegal background
checks were felonies, and they are being covered up.
The leadership of the APS is breaking one law after another
in plain sight and there's nobody in law enforcement
who will do anything about it.They get away with it in no small
part because the establishment
media won't investigate and
report upon any aspect of the
ethics and accountability scandal
in the leadership of the APS;
Kent Walz and the Journal
worst among them.
Walz is caught here giving a
Hero of Transparency award
to Winston Brooks, knowing full
well that Brooks and APS are hiding public records of public
corruption in the APS Police Department; the Caswell Report.
Brooks and the board are hiding the truth about corruption in
the leadership of the APS, all the while, Walz and School Board
heavy hitter Marty Esquivel are making Brooks look honest by
hooking him up with a (formerly prestigious) award for being
a "hero of transparency".
They gave Brooks the NM Foundation for Open Government's
Dixon Award, while he was, and continues to, hide the truth
from stakeholders, even in violation of the law.
Either that or I'm a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nut-job and
none of this is really happening.
photos/Walz framegrab Mark Bralley
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Balderas' Office won't help
Posted by
ched macquigg
8:33 AM
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Don't expect action from Attorney General Gary King, he will not bother himself with pursuing crime at the local level. If someone at APS had either ran against him in the past, or is a potential opponent in the future, then he is interested. Gary King and his ego needs a political name in the case and that gets him the headlines he feeds on in order to run for higher office. Or as is often the case, he seeks out his enemies.
In the Vigil-Giron case, he dragged in a defendant who had nothing to do with the case and was his former employee. Of course she did the crime of campaigning against him, and whistle blowing to the legislature that he was discussed only pursuing corruption cases that would get him publicity. Smiley Gallegos and King are old enemies from their days at the legislature. The Block family and the King family have feuded for years. Rebecca Vigil-Giron made the mistake of saying she may run for Lt. Governor or Governor someday. Each of these received his target on their back. King is a prosecutor out of control. Anyone can charge a police officer with misconduct and can take legal action if they think they can prove it, and we have to defend ourselves. But prosecutors like King do not have to defend themselves, they have prosecutorial immunity. That is why he can pick and choose case, and go after his enemies without any consequences.
Don't hold your breath hoping for Attonrey General Gary King to do anything about this, he is too travelling. And when he is in town, his job is making him rich. Some critics feel the elected officials of the King family have become rich while in public office, looking beyond their public salary to their private business concerns as reported by a tiny local newspaper. http://www.sfreporter.com/santafe/blog-2321-king-corn-the-family-connection.html Gary King who already had an interest in the family businesses reported in the story has probably inherited 50% of his parent’s interests. And he has other businesses not reported in the story.
"King Brothers Ranch" is the top-ranked farm subsidy beneficiary in their county, has received millions of taxpayer agricultural subsidies to grow corn and/or alfalfa.
"Pine Canyon Ranch Corp.", which receives federal subsidies for conservation reserve programs while they claim it will be a future subdivision and sell parts of it. http://ballaspropertiesofnm.com/subdivisions/pinecanyonranch.html
"Estancia Basin Water Supply", which is regulated by the Water Division of the Attorney General's Office and the PRC, is partly owned by David King and I am not sure who else.
Rhonda King is a legislator, first cousin of Gary King and David King. She votes on the legislature finance committee which approves funds for the Attorney General’s office, the State Land Commission, and the PRC.
"King Land & Cattle Co." has state land leases, a rancher can lease land to run cattle on for low prices. Jerry King is Rhonda Kings brother and is cousin to Gary and David, he works at the state Land Commissioners Office that determines who gets state land leases and for how much according to this article. http://newmexicoindependent.com/35498/is-written-disclosure-of-a-conflict-of-interest-sufficient The article is about how a state legislator complained that he was lobbied on issues regarding leases, and was upset that King had a conflict of interest.
“King Butane Inc.” is a propane company regulated by the Attorney General's office and the PRC. Also complaints against propane delivery services go to the Attorney General's office Consumer Division, headed by Gary King. This company and others in this list have made substantial campaign contributions to Rhonda and Gary.
Of course the news stories of big land swaps of remote King land for prime state land while Bruce King was Governor are legend. It probably helps to be in public office if your hands are in this may interests that depend so much on tax dollars and public regulation, funding, and law enforcement positions to protect the whole thing.
They have another name for families with this kind of far-reaching power in Chicago. Oh well, if we can't beat them, we better join them or Gary King will sue you prosecute you next. Long live the King Family Dynasty!
If democrat NM Attorney General King (conflict of interest for short) showed up for work, he might find time to address this. As it stands he is usually on travel to exotic locales such as
* Poland and the Czech Republican between July 10 and 13, 2007.
* Netherlands March 12, 2008
* Romania May 22 to 23, 2008
* France June 25, 2008
* France again Oct. 27 to Nov. 1, 2008
* Slovenia May 5- 14, 2009 (2 weeks)
* Italy June 22 to 24, 2009
* Taiwan Oct. 9 to 11, 2009
* Spain April 30 to May 18, 2007 (3 weeks)
*Israel May 20 to 25, 2011
This is a small selection, not all and does not include his many trips inside the US which have included Alaska and Hawaii, and sadly no news media outlet has used the public records request to completely sort that out, I believe we have a need to know. I read about some of this here
The AG is quick to point out that many of the trips are paid for by the National Association of Attorney Generals, but he leaves out the fact that the AG office pays huge dues to the association so that it can fund these junkets.
It looks like he is already preparing to travel again, this time to scenic Hawaii. Good thing the state has plenty of money. http://elpasotimes.typepad.com/newmexico/2011/07/ag-king-going-to-conference-in-hawaii.html
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