Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Brandenburg's math fascinating

District Attorney Kari Brandenburg has a fascinating spin on the number of her subordinates running afoul of the law, link;

“I’d like to point out that with all these incidents this year, we’re talking about less than 3 percent of our employees,” Brandenburg said. “That means more than 97 percent are going above and beyond the call of duty."
No, it doesn't. It doesn't mean the other 97% are meeting even the most mediocre standards of conduct and competence. There is no mathematical correlation between the ones who've been caught red-handed and the ones who haven't been investigated.

One can't just assume that everyone who hasn't been caught, is doing nothing wrong. Everyone of the folks who were caught, were doing something wrong, without Brandenburg's notice, and until they got caught-not by any internal control or oversight of Brandenburg's, but by an investigative reporter digging in from the outside.

This is not to say that there aren't good and decent people working in Brandenburg's office; not even that some of them aren't serving above and beyond.

But, it's not the remaining 97%.

photo Mark Bralley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's pretty arrogant to keep on about how 97% of your workers basically lay down and die for you. I'm not sure of even a president of the US or Castro has 97% of their subordinates going äbove and beyond the call of duty".
It was magnanimous and complimentary perhaps for her to say that of her staff, but accurate? ABSOLUTELY NOT.