Thursday, July 14, 2011

Circling the wagons around city hall

Mayor Richard Berry, Public Safety Director Darren White and Chief Administrator Rob Perry have circled their wagons to shield themselves from "attack" by the press.

Even the establishment press has found themselves outside
the circle, despite that they hold "credentials" issued by Berry,
Perry and White minion, Chris Huffman-Ramirez.

Huffman-Ramirez has informed them, he will not answer any
more of their questions despite the fact they enjoy his "credentialing".

I hate to say I told you so, but I did. If Huffman-Ramirez can
limit or deny "credentials" to me, he can deny or limit them to anyone.

It will never be clearer than it is right now, where the PIOs stand. Huffman-Ramirez, though we pay his salary, though he is our servant, will fight from inside the circled wagons. He will defend those he works under against the interests of those he works for. He will hide the inconvenient truth.

Doesn't it strike anyone else as utterly unacceptable, that we pay this guy $75K a year to tell us he isn't going to answer anymore questions about the public interests and their public service as related to the current scandal in particular, and past and future scandals in general?

photo Mark Bralley

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