Friday, September 27, 2019

Vote no on the APS mill levy and bond issue, for the right reason

A number of people are talking out loud about voting no on November 5th; voting no to the APS Mill Levy and Bond Issue.

Some intend to vote no based on well-reasoned thought.  Some intend to vote no because they "always vote no on bond issues and mill levies."

The leadership of the APS will want to spin the defeat by characterizing the naysayers as unreasoning.  That will be less easy if those who vote no, vote no with a message.  A message like; 
Before another bond issue or mill levy will pass, the leadership of the APS will meet two benchmarks.  They will prove to the satisfaction of voters that; 
1.      School board members and senior administrators have standards of conduct and competence that are high enough to protect the public interests in the public schools, and then that; 

2.      They are actually, honest to God accountable to those standards by some due process(es) actually available to stake and interest holders.

Dear APS School Board and senior administrators,
Prove you have high standards, and
prove you are actually accountable to them, or
we will vote down every mill levy and
bond issue until you do

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