Saturday, December 01, 2012

Oops! That page is not published.

I went looking on APS' award winning website, for how much money APS school board members are paid for their service.
A friend had asked me, I didn't know.

I still don't.

Search their website for "board compensation", link.

Click on Time Commitments and Compensation for Board Members and you get;

Oops! That page is not published.
OK, I get it, stuff happens, people make mistakes.
Not all omissions are nefarious.

But when there are a lot of mistakes and they all have the same effect; that of making public information and records harder to find ...

You have to wonder, don't you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One would wonder why the paltry sums of the rest of the APS staff is published, but now them!