Saturday, August 26, 2006

...and Modrall makes three.

From Modrall’s website:

Our clients' interests are at the heart of everything we do.

Were they, or the leaders of APS accountable to the same standard as students, at the heart of everything is a principled resolution; even if it is not in your clients “interests”.

The School Board, the (senior) Administration, and the Modrall Law Firm are united in the effort to except themselves from honest accountability to a meaningful standard of ethical conduct.

The three are “one” in more than one way. Modrall makes a great deal of money from APS. The President of the School Board is married to the President of Modrall. A convenient asset; a large law firm with a virtually unlimited budget (courtesy of unwitting taxpayer support of “education”) to help you push the agenda of exception to accountability, even to allegations of criminal misconduct.

As the President of the Character Counts Leadership Council, School Board President Paula Maes has perhaps the greatest obligation of all to model honest accountability to the Pillars of Character Counts. She models only hypocrisy. The members of her council apparently do not know the truth. They haven’t been told the truth. A deliberate effort has kept them uninformed; a monumentally egregious betrayal of trust. They apparently don’t know that their President is busily excepting herself from accountability to the Pillars upon which they have taken a stand.

You would suppose that all of this intrigue would be newsworthy. And of course it is; but it turns out that Paula Maes is the President of the New Mexico Broadcasters Association. You will notice that the story has not been reported.

* The leadership of a public school system decided that it will no longer be accountable to the student standard of conduct; a widely recognized, accepted and respected code of ethics.

* When they made that decision, they ignored the right of stakeholders to participate meaningfully in that decision. They enjoyed the advice and consent of no one; no subordinate administrator, no teacher, no student, no parent, no Character Counts advocate.

* And now they have decided that they will not discuss or defend their decision (they’re powerful enough that they can do that).

* And that it will not be reported in the media.

What? ??

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