Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where there's smoke there's fire.

The smoke is building in city hall.

The astute know that smoke doesn't always mean fire.
But, they will also investigate the source of the smoke.

If you read the backside of the Eye on Albuquerque, you will
find a great deal of smoke of the kind that indicates unrest in
the rank and file of the police department, link. There are a
number of comments alleging corruption and incompetence
in the leadership of the APD.

The astute know a bunch of people, posting anonymously
on the backside of a blog, does not a fire make.

But, they will track down the source of the smoke.

Are there morale problems in the APD? Should they be
ignored? Is there a crisis in confidence in leadership?
And should it be ignored as well?

Is it time for independent investigations of government,
investigations of the kind police chiefs and directors of public
safety will never begin of their own accord?

And of investigations and investigators who report to the people?

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